Collective Worship

At Hornby St Margaret’s we believe in valuing each person as created in the image of God and therefore of infinite worth. Collective worship is an essential part of nurturing of each child’s spiritual growth.

Collective Worship is at the heart of our daily school life. It is an opportunity for us to gather together as a school family to reflect, pray and celebrate our shared values, faith and achievements. It provides the opportunity to explore and reflect upon our Christian vision and our Fruit of the Spirit values that underpin it.

During this time, we hear Bible stories, sing songs, learn about others showing Christian values in the world and pray. Our Collective Worship is inclusive, invitational and inspirational, providing opportunities for pupils and staff to engage meaningfully, reflect deeply and be inspired to live our values in our school and wider community.  


Hornby Collective Worship Policy


Our worship timetable follows the pattern below: 

  Group Theme Leader of worship
Monday Whole school Exploration of vision and values Headteacher
Tuesday Whole school Exploration of vision and values Clergy / Headteacher
Wednesday Class  Values / Courageous Advocacy / Prayer / Reflection Class teachers
Thursday Whole school Practice and Praise Mrs Evans 
Friday Whole school Celebrate and praise gifts and talents Headteacher