Physical Education & Sport Funding Statement
What is the Sports Premium?
The government is providing funding for primary school sport. The funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school Headteachers to improve PE and sport provision. The allocation is calculated according to the intake of the school, and the school must decide how best to use the money to improve the quantity, quality and breadth and quality of PE and sport provision, including increased participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
We received £16,400 this year. The money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.
Purpose of the funding
Schools will have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and school sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
At this school we have decided to use this money to:
· Employ qualified coaches, such as a dance teacher and Morecambe Football Club, to work alongside teachers in lessons to increase their subject knowledge and confidence.
· Employ qualified instructors, such as those at Tower Wood Outdoor Centre, to work alongside teachers and provide specialist subject knowledge and confidence for outdoor and adventurous activities. To also provide ongoing skills instruction to children. ie Canoe paddlesport certificate & Sailing Introductory certificate.
· Pay for training, transport and equipment to enable Forest School sessions to take place on a regular basis.
· Pay for additional pool hire and instruction above that required for the curriculum thus providing additional access to swimming facilities at the local pool for KS2 pupils throughout the year.
· Pay for transport and staffing to provide greater opportunities to sporting fixtures, working in partnership with the Lune Valley Small Schools’ Cluster and local clubs such as Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Club and Lancaster Cricket Clubs.
· Buy additional equipment to support PE activities across the school for lessons, playtimes and after school activities.
· Provide additional after school sports activities, i.e. Chance to shine cricket coaching, Bentham Pro golf coaching.
· Provide training for teaching staff from Local Authority PE Consultants through INSET.
Targets and current impact
· Increase inter-school sports competitions to at least two per term. (Last year there were at least two per term that took place including Infants and Juniors)
· Ensure that at least 90% of pupils access competitive school sport (Last year at least 80% of Junior children took part in at least one competitive event)
· Increase the quantity and quality of PE Lessons so that all pupils access at least 2 hours of quality PE teaching every week. (Last year all teaching staff took part in PE training to meet our School Improvement Plan target)
· Introduce further swimming sessions to replace those lost during the closure of Hornby pool.
· Increase staff confidence in teaching PE. (teaching staff have worked with a Local Authority Consultant to focus on teaching and are putting their work into practice using a new LA app)
Further Impact:
· Junior children achieved their L1 Paddlesport certificates and worked towards L2.
· Upper Junior children worked towards their introductory sailing certificates.
· The school achieved a bronze Sportsmark award.
· The Year 5 & 6 children went climbing on local crags.
· The Year 6 children could all swim at least 25m, use a range of strokes and self rescue on leaving school.
The school has adequate reserves in the budget to sustain these actions and improvements into the future when the funding stream ends.
Download our funding statement HERE
You can download a leaflet here that outlines the reasons for our approach to school sport and PE.