Our Church School
Our vision is for every individual within our school community to achieve their potential, valuing each person as created in the image of God and therefore of infinite worth. We believe that in belonging we are connected and have a shared belief, ownership and responsibility in the success of ourselves and others.
We aim to inspire children to learn with joy, curiosity and enthusiasm and to aspire for excellence in all they do. We aspire to empower life-long learners who are equipped with the moral strength and spiritual depth they need to show love, compassion and advocate to make their world a better place.
We aim to:
- Provide high quality education in a happy Christian environment where everyone is valued and respected.
- Offer an ambitious curriculum which provides rich opportunities for children to develop a variety of knowledge, skills and interests.
- Foster a nurturing and stimulating environment which is inclusive enabling all to flourish socially, academically and spiritually.
- Promote positive relationships with parents, carers, church, governors and the wider community.
- Develop confidence, motivation, independence, resilience and self-esteem.
- Foster an understanding and respect of other cultures, religious beliefs and groups.
- Respect our environment and natural world – God’s creation.
Our Christian Values
We encourage our children to ‘live fruitfully’ by showing the values of ‘Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control.’ (Galatians 5:22-23)
Our Christian values are at the core of everything we do. They shape and underpin the Christian ethos of our school We aim to achieve our vision by living out these values, which are shared and owned by our whole school community.
Through embedding our vision and values, we endeavour to achieve everyone flourishing together.
Our values are clear as a church school and are shown in our fused glass windows for all to see.
The slides below show our values from our school windows.
Look at some pictures from around school here