School Governors

School Governing Body

Since September 2023 we have been in a formal federation with Leck St Peter’s, known as the Lune Valley Federation of Leck St Peter’s and Hornby St Margaret’s Church of England Primary Schools.

We can have a total of 14 governors; this is laid down in our “Instrument of Government” which is the legal basis of any school governing body. We must have a majority of “Foundation Governors”: these are governors nominated by either the Parochial Church Council, or from the Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education. Governors normally serve for a period of 4 years.

Our Federation Governing Body Membership comprises of:

Name of Governor: Category: Term of office
Mr Hemingway

Chair of governors

Local Authority governor 09/2027
Mrs Brookbanks

Vice-chair of governors

Foundation 10/2028
Rev. Lucie Lunn (Hornby) Foundation Ex-officio
Rev. Jane Lee (Leck) Foundation Ex-officio
Mrs Houghton Foundation 10/2028
Mr C Hunter Foundation 12/2028
Mrs Mather Foundation 09/2027
Mr Fawcett Foundation 09/2027
Mr R Hunter Foundation 09/2027
Mrs Bostock-Meadows Staff Governor 09/2027
Dr Towse Parent Governor (Hornby) 05/2028
Mrs Rutherford Parent Governor (Leck) 09/2027
Mrs Davison Headteacher Ex-officio
Vacancy Co-opted Governor

The school governors meet once a term for a Full Governing Body meeting and in between for sub committees that discuss the strategic development of both schools including the school curriculum, the upkeep and development of the school building and grounds, the school budget and finances as well as staffing issues.

If you wish to contact a governor, please do so via the school office or

To help you get to know your governors we have provided a brief description of ourselves and any financial or business interests / positions on ours and other governing bodies.

Mr. Stuart Hemingway

I have worked in schools for over forty years in secondary education as a teacher  and Head teacher. For most of my career I have worked in Leeds, eventually retiring in 2012. I really enjoyed my time in schools and was very lucky to be able to work with gifted colleagues and brilliantly talented children. I was especially interested in SEN. Between 2012 and 2014 I worked as an education adviser for an organisation working with businesses and encouraging their involvement in schools.
Our sons & daughters live mainly in and around Leeds but we moved to Tunstall in 2012 and we thoroughly love  the rural way of life and the fresh air of North Lancashire. I now have time for reading as well as practicing my guitar and game of golf.  I have also started to learn to speak Spanish  which is proving to be as embarrassing as my guitar playing and golf!

Mr. Martyn Fawcett

I have been a foundation governor since late 2017. I have 3 children, all of whom attend Leck St Peters. I attended this excellent, small country school for the full duration of my primary education and have very fond memories of my time there. I have no background in education whatsoever, but  have enjoyed learning a little bit about how this sector operates. I have been, and still am, involved in business locally since I left the local secondary school. My wife and I now run a couple of small businesses. In my spare time, I enjoy being outdoors and attending my local church.

Ross Hunter

I was a teacher and headmaster for four decades,  half in northern England, half abroad. Since we retired and came home, Sue and I are back in her home village of Burrow; we were married in Tunstall Church, where she is churchwarden and I am, for my sins, chair of the PCC (of TM&L). I enjoy writing, book collecting, reading, cycling and travel. I speak (ef)fluent French and occasional Russian. In December, you kindly voted me on to Lancaster City Council, to represent Upper Lune Valley Ward; do please get in touch if I can help with local issues.