2nd February
Young Voices – Monday 5th February
Children will be leaving school a little later than planned at approximately 12.15pm. Children will need to bring a packed lunch, a packed tea, and drinks – please note, no glass bottles are allowed in the arena. All children should come to school in their uniforms, with a plain white t-shirt.
We will keep you informed by Teachers2Parents (the school text messaging service) and email regarding the time you will need to pick your child up from school, it is likely to be around 11.00pm.
If anyone has any questions regarding the day, please do not hesitate to come and talk to us in the office and we will endeavour to find the answers. Parent tickets are available to collect from the office now and I have a few spares too if anyone else would like a ticket.
On Tuesday, we will keep the registers open until 10am for the Year 5 and 6 children who attended Young Voices, so they can have a lie in after a late night. For everyone else, school will be open at the usual time and registration will be closed at 9:05am.
Children’s Mental Health Week – 5th Feb
We will be taking part in the above event next week. We feel it is really important to have healthy bodies but also healthy minds and we can support and share ideas in how to positively support each other. On Friday 9th Feb we will be taking part in “Wear your Scarf to School day” as part of Mental health week. All children can come to school wearing a scarf. https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk
Where the Wildings are …
This morning we spent some time together making bird feeders in the hall, we used bottles, sticks, yoghurt pots and string then filled them full of bird seed! We will put them up in our School garden for the birds to enjoy, I’m sure they will appreciate them in this horrid weather. 😊
Edinburgh Residential – Upper Juniors
Please note the first instalment of £40 was due by 31st January on Schoolmoney. The next instalment is due by 29th February. Please try to keep up with the instalments where possible, if you are struggling to pay, please speak to Hannah in the office.
Newsletter mailing list
I’ve had a few requests from some Dads to be put on the newsletter mailing list this week, of course this is absolutely fine and means that hopefully things won’t get missed! If you would like to be added to our newsletter mailing list, please send an email to Hannah in the office bursar@hornby.lancs.sch.uk
Schoolmoney Bills
Reminders have been emailed out today, please settle these payments via the Schoolmoney website or if you are unable to access the website, you can bring cash to the office. thanks
Infants Eira – Always trying hard in completing class challenges. |
Lower Juniors Jasmine – For her fantastic effort and determination in maths – well done!
Upper Juniors Megan – For always working to the best of her ability in every subject |
What’s on this week… |
Monday 5th February |
Young Voices – Year 5 and 6 Juniors – come in PE kit Dance ASC 3.30pm – 4.30pm – last one! |
Tuesday 6th February |
Lego Workshop |
Wednesday 7th February |
Infants – come in PE kit |
Thursday 8th February |
Juniors – come in PE kit Swimming for Years 3,4 & 5 |
Friday 9th February |
Infants – come in PE kit Wear your scarf to School day School Closes for Half Term 3.30pm |
Advance warning… |
Monday 19th February |
School Reopens Junior Film ASC starts |
Wednesday 28th February |
Upper Junior Caving trip |
Monday 4th March |
Bikeability – Upper Juniors |
Tuesday 5th March |
Bikeability – Upper Juniors Parents Meetings |
Wednesday 6th March |
Cluster Cross Country |
Thursday 7th March |
World Book Day! |
Friday 8th March |
Upper Junior trip – Democracy and British Values – Lancaster University |
Tuesday 12th March |
Yoga and Mindfulness day |
Wednesday 13th March |
KS2 Cluster Football |
Thursday 28th March |
School Closes for Easter hols 3.30pm |