3rd Nov

Give an hour help session

Parents and friends, we need your help to make Hornby St. Margaret’s look its very best. Join us on Tuesday at 3.30pm for an hour of tidying up our School. Bring your gardening gloves, shovels, secateurs, paint brushes, hedge cutters, brushes and shovels and help us clean up the front of the school and the playground at the back. No experience necessary! We will need many volunteers (children included) to help us cut back brambles on the playground wall, tidy the quiet corner, clear gutters, sweep the playground, cut back bushes and pick up the leaves!

We hope many families will join us for an hour as we tidy up our school.


Upper Junior Residential to Edinburgh – 3rd, 4th, 5th July

Reminder – Initial deposit of £20 is due TODAY, this can be paid via Schoolmoney.

We appreciate that the trip may seem a while away but we need to confirm numbers and begin payment plans soon. Any problems, please let Hannah in the office know.


The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

The Royal British Legion are running their Poppy Appeal again this year. We have some lovely items for sale in support of this very worthy cause. Please take a look before or after school in the porch near the Office, we will also be giving the children the opportunity to buy items at break time. Suggested donation £1 per item.


Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime

We are having a whole school trip to The Grand theatre at Lancaster to watch the Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime at 10am on Wednesday 13th December. The cost of this trip will be £5, please pay via School money.


Archery Club – Starts on Tuesday!

There are a few more spaces left, if you would like your child to join the lunchtime sessions, please complete the form and hand into the office on MONDAY.


Letters and Sound Red Homework Book

A reminder that Years 1 and 2 have weekly spellings to learn. Choose an activity from the packet at the back of the book to learn them. Return books to school each Thursday. Thank you.



Now the weather has turned for the winter, we just thought we would be clear with the footwear expectations in school.

On a daily basis, children need a pair of black school shoes, to wear in and around school, and then a pair of weather appropriate outdoor shoes/trainers/wellies which can get wet / mucky in and around the playground and field.

All children should also have a pair of trainers or pumps for PE, which should remain in their PE kit at all times. Please ensure all children have these going forward.



Lower Juniors

Upper Juniors


For trying hard with independent writing 


For her amazing science!


A fantastic narrative poem in literacy




Whats on this week…


Monday 6th November

Junior Trip to Tower Wood – see info sheet emailed out on Monday

Tuesday 7th November

Archery Club starts 12.30pm – Years 1-6  

‘Give an hour’ help session – from 3.30pm

Wednesday 8th November

Lancashire Fire and Rescue – Year 2 Childsafe fire safety talk

                                                     Year 6 Roadsense safety session

Thursday 9th November

Animal Club 12.30pm

Swimming for Years 3,4 & 5

Friday 10th November

Garden Gang 12.30pm – Wellies and waterproofs needed!!

Advance warning…


Tuesday 14th November

Junior trip to Wildlife Oasis

Wednesday 22nd November

KS2 Swimming Gala

Thursday 30th November

Nasal Flu sprays

Infant parent praise assembly – 3pm

Tuesday 12th December

Christmas Performance – details tbc

Wednesday 13th December

Jack and Beanstalk – Christmas Panto @ Lancaster Grand

Tuesday 19th December

School Closes for Christmas break at 3.30pm

Wednesday 3rd January

School reopens 9am