21st April
Strike Day – Thursday 27th April
At Hornby, the majority of teaching staff are members of the NEU.
The union has called for strikes over the issue of pay as well as recruitment and retention of staff. There are further issues around recent unfunded pay rises which have taken money away from our school budget and made it more difficult to provide for your children in both resourcing and staffing.
On this occasion, the staff have informed me that they will be taking strike action on 27th April and thus, school will be closed on that day.
I understand that this may cause a great deal of frustration and inconvenience for parents and carers; however, I am hopeful that you will understand the reasons for this decision and I would like to thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
We are currently making decisions about the strike day on the 2nd May.
Infant news
All the children have settled well back into school and are excited about our new Expeditions topic.
Reminder for children in Year 2 to practise their recall of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s multiplication facts for increased fluency in maths lessons. Little and often practise is great.
The reception children will be doing some junk modelling soon, so any donations of items which would usually go in your recycling bins are really helpful (cardboard/plastic)
Indoor and Outdoor Footwear
Just a reminder that your child will require indoor and outdoor footwear. Their indoor (School) shoes will be kept in their classroom at breaktimes and lunchtime where they will need outdoor footwear (trainers/wellies) to go out and play, particularly on the grass. Any problems, please ask.
Please can we remind all parents to make sure that your childs clothing, particularly School jumpers and cardigans are labelled with your child name. At this time of year, we end up with a pile at the end of lunchtime, so it’s great to know who’s who’s!
Garden Gang
The Garden Girls are back to do Garden Gang with the children on a Thursday now that the weather has improved. Last year the Gang helped to produce lots of fruit and vegetables along with the circle area which we have used for growing trees, teaching and toasting marshmallows.
If your child would like to join in, they will need to bring their wellies on a Thursday and meet in the garden area at morning break.
Our value this term is Forgiveness |
Scarlett For being a lovely friend and forgiving others. |
Infants |
Lower Juniors |
Upper Juniors |
Ruby Trying really hard with multiplication activities in maths this week
Daisy For her enthusiasm to learn and for always being willing to help others |
Noah For his amazing work in maths this week when learning about angles.
This week… |
Monday 24th April |
Whole School walk to Wray – see info sheet Junior sport afternoon – PE KIT NEEDED |
Tuesday 25th April |
Lower Junior Football tournament at Arkholme Y6 – Trialling key stage 2 national curriculum assessment materials Infant Multisport Afternoon – PE KIT NEEDED Yoga & Mindfulness ASC 3.30pm – 4.30pm |
Thursday 27th April |
Strike Day – School closed |
Advance warning… |
Monday 1st May |
School Closed – Early May Bank Holiday |
Tuesday 2nd May |
Potential Strike Day Infant Trip to Borwick Hall – going ahead |
Wednesday 3rd May |
JAM Club with Jemma from Capernwray at lunchtime |
Thursday 4th May |
Infant Parent Praise assembly Garden Gang – bring your wellies if you want to join in at morning break Kings Coronation Lunch |
Monday 8th May |
School Closed – Bank Holiday for King Charles Coronation |
9th May-12th May |
SATS week |
Wednesday 17th May |
Junior Cross Country competition at Tatham Fells JAM Club with Jemma from Capernwray at lunchtime |
Tuesday 23rd May |
Junior trip to Morecambe |
Friday 26th May |
End of term, school closes 3.30pm |
21st-23rd June |
Junior Malham Residential |