13th January

Infant Trip – Wildlife Oasis

We are really excited to be taking the Infants to Wildlife Oasis near Milnthorpe on Tuesday 24th January where we will be taking part in a workshop and having a guided tour of the zoo. The children will be provided with a packed lunch for a picnic.

The cost of the trip will be £5.00 and this can be paid on School Money.


Juniors – Pringles tube

Please could your child bring an empty Pringles tube into school by Monday 23rd January so we can make some Canopic jars in our DT/History lesson. Any spare tubes will be gratefully received 😊


PTA Disco

The PTA would like to invite all children to a disco in school on Thursday 26th Jan 4:30 – 6:00pm.

Tickets will cost £2 per child which includes a sausage in a bun and unlimited squash. There will also be a tuck shop if children would like to buy some extra treats.

We would request that parents of infant children stay with their children but parents of junior children may drop them off and collect them at the end.


If your child would like to attend, please send £2 cash into school in a named envelope with details of any dietary requirements and give to Hannah in the office by Friday 20th January.


Dance ASC

We have Dance ASC starting on Monday 27th February after the half term break, sessions will run from 3.30pm – 4.30pm for 5 weeks. There will be NO CHARGE for this club. Please let Hannah in the office know if your child would like a place,


Bills, Bills, Bills. 

Please could we ask parents to clear any money owing on School Money for either Early Morning Club, school meals or trips.  Please let us know if you need your password resetting or if you are having problems paying.


Library day – Monday

Please remind your child to return their reading book so they can swap it for another one.







Lower Juniors

Upper Juniors



Showing increased independence with the home time routine.



Working really hard, especially in maths.



For great literacy work, manipulating sentences to create effect.




Our value this term is

Self- Control







For being able to wait patiently 








Working well independently








For being a great example to the others during outside football.




This week…


Tuesday 17th January

Rugby ASC  3.30pm – 4.30pm

Thursday 19th January

Y3,4,5 Swimming lessons

Chinese menu day – see attached menu poster

Friday 20th January

£2 Disco Money deadline

This term…


Tuesday 24th January

Infant trip to Wildlife Oasis

Thursday 26th January

PTA School disco 4.30pm – 6pm (details to follow)

Friday 27th January

Parent Praise Assembly at 3pm – with a focus on Junior work – all are welcome

Tuesday 31st January

Upper Juniors- Young Leader Awards –Sport training- Day 2

PE kit will be needed


Thursday 2nd February

KS2 Swimming Gala

Friday 17th February

End of term, School closes 3.30pm

Monday 27th February

Dance ASC starts 3.30pm – 4.30pm -please see Hannah to book a place.

Tuesday 28th February

Malham Residential Instalment 2 deadline (£35)