4th November

 School News

It’s good to have everyone back in school as we prepare for the lead up to Christmas, we hope you all enjoyed your half term break.


Infant Forest School. All infant children are off to Leck Woods on Tuesday 8th November to continue their Forest School Adventures.  A detailed information sheet is attached with this newsletter. The cook, will be providing them all with a packed lunch to take with them.  Please send them to school in appropriate clothing and with a drinks bottle.


I’ve had a few queries about Early Morning Club which runs from 8.20am – 8.50am and is charged at £2 per session. This is not a breakfast club as we DO NOT provide food for the children, please ensure that they have had sufficient breakfast before they arrive.  Please don’t drop your child off before 8.20am as we cannot guarantee that staff will be available to supervise your child.


School Shoes Reminder We would like children to arrive in school shoes which they will wear all day in class and bring a change of shoes/trainers/wellies which they can leave at school for break and lunch times to prevent the classrooms getting muddy especially over the winter period.



Lower Juniors

Upper Juniors


For super effort and motivation during Phonics sessions



For fantastic contributions to the Geography lesson about North America


For an outstanding attitude in every lesson, always giving 100%


Rugby After School club – starts on Wednesday

Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Club will be running an after-school club 3.30pm – 4.30pm for Year 2 – Year 6 starting Wednesday 9th November.

Please put your child’s name down with Hannah in the office if you would like them to attend, these sessions are FREE as they will be paid for by the school PE premium.


Robin Hood pantomime

We are having a whole school trip to The Dukes theatre at Lancaster to watch the Robin Hood pantomime at 1.30pm on Wednesday 14th December. We will be back to school at approximately 4pm.

The cost of this trip will be £5, please pay cash or cheque to Hannah in the office by 25th November.

This payment will not be set up on School money.


Boxes of Hope. We are supporting the Boxes of Hope Charity again this year; The boxes will be collected from school soon, so if anyone wants to do a last-minute box it needs to be dropped off before Friday 11th November remembering to include the £2 donation.  Thank you.


Royal Oak car park

The Royal Oak will be opening on Friday and the Landlords Garry and Helena Torch have kindly said that they are happy for parents to use the car park for drop off and pick ups in school hours, but they have asked us not to use the car park when attending school after 5pm when the pub is open.


The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. We will have poppies, zip pulls, reflectors, wrist bands and rulers for sale next week. Children will be able to choose one item if they bring a donation in. We suggest £1


PTA Meeting

This Monday, 7th November at 8:00pm via Zoom. The link will be posted in our Parents Facebook group or contact the school office to ask for the link to be emailed directly to you. We will be discussing and planning events for this term. All welcome including new and existing parents, we want to hear your ideas!