16th September

School closed on Monday for the State funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


School News

We have had a great week in school learning about harvest this week in school and the children enjoyed an afternoon of harvest activities, including making a scarecrow, creating a thankful tree and making fruit art collages.


Harvest Appeal

As a follow on from our harvest learning we are supporting the King’s Food Bank which provides emergency food support to people in Kendal and its nearby districts in South Lakeland. As a school we would like to collect items to donate over the next week in school. If you are able to donate then please choose an item from the list and send it into school next week. Many thanks for your support.

Examples of items to donate

Instant pasta

Instant noodles

Instant mash

UHT semi-skimmed milk

Large tins of vegetables (eg. carrots, sweetcorn)

Sponge puddings





Reception Children

Mrs Farrington has asked if Reception children could bring a baby photograph for Tuesday next week.



Lower Juniors

Upper Juniors


Macy – Great maths work and thoughtful ideas about our school value-Faith


Seb – for excellent effort with learning his spellings and reading at home. 



Joshua – For excellent questions and answers during the STEM workshop


Missing Forms

Some Medical information and Data Collection forms were sent home for you to complete in the Friday bags last week but I haven’t received all of them back.  It is important that you complete and return these forms annually to give us up to date information about your child, particularly the medical information forms which we take on all trips.

I have attached the Medical and data protection form in case you have lost them, please could you complete and hand into the office either later today or Tuesday morning next week.


Cumbria Stone Circles Trip

The Juniors are going to visit Castlerigg and Long Meg Stone circles on Tuesday, we will set off at 9am and return at approximately 4pm, please see trip sheet for more information, we are asking for a contribution towards the coach of £10 which can be paid on school money.


After School Club – multisport

MS Sports Coaching will be delivering an Afterschool Club from the 20th September to 18th October for 5 weeks. These sessions will be a Multi Sports session with the Sports varying each week. Sports include; Hockey, Cricket, Dodgeball, Archery, Football, Multi Skills.


This starts on Tuesday 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Please put your childs name down with Hannah in the office if you would like to attend, these sessions are FREE as they will be paid for by the school PE premium.


PTA Family Race Night

Two weeks today!! Thank you to those families who have already returned their forms for tickets and horse sponsorship. If you would like to sponsor any horses or buy tickets for the event, please send in your completed forms and payment ASAP as we need to know numbers for catering and have to pass all the sponsorship info on to be put onto the PowerPoint in advance. If you need new forms please let us know. We also have just three races left needing sponsorship so if you or anyone you know would like to support the event in this way, please get in touch, we would be extremely grateful. If you have any questions about the event, please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks, the PTA committee 



School Admissions 2023

Lancashire County Councils online application system is now open for applications for 2023 – www.lancashire.gov.uk (search “school admissions”) The closing date for applications is:

If you live in either North Yorkshire or Cumbria, you will need to apply for secondary or primary school places via their website


Nasal Flu consent forms

The children will be having their nasal flu sprays at school on Thursday 20th October. Please ensure that you have completed the online consent form for both consent / no consent giving reasons. (details are attached)



Diary Dates



Monday 19th September


Tuesday 20th September



Wednesday 21st September


Thursday 22nd September


Bank Holiday – School closed


Juniors Stone circle trip

Multisport Club starts after school 3.30pm – 4.30pm


Lancaster Guardian – Reception class photo


Garden Gang at morning break

Swimming for Y3,Y4 and Y5



Friday 30th September




Tuesday 4th October


Monday 10th October


Tuesday 11th October


Thursday 20th October




Friday 21st October


Monday 31st October


School Photos

Parent praise assembly 3pm

PTA Family race night


Junior Tower Wood trip


Infant Borwick Hall trip


Parents Meetings


Nasal flu sprays

Parent praise assembly 3pm

End of term – school closes 3.30pm


Inset Day


School reopens 9am