1st July 2022
Class News.
This week, Reception have been designing, making and playing in the seaside ice cream role play shop. They have been thinking about what a visit to the seaside is like and have been designing a postcard. They have been using money to pay for items in the role play shop and exploring equal groups of fish. In RE they have been acting out Jonah and the Whale. They have also been making suncatcher jellyfish and practicing races for Sports Day.
Years 1 and 2 have been identifying properties of shapes in maths and have been directing friends to find the shapes in a shape hunt – using positional language. We have been reading Tiddler and thinking about some of his ‘tall tales’. We also read the story of Detective Dog and wrote a letter to the book thief to persuade him to bring the books back! We have been exploring the country of Wales- making daffodil sculptures from clay, St. David cartoon strips and making/eating yummy Welsh cakes.
Please can Infants bring in cardboard/junk model materials so that we can create some vehicles in DT next week.
Infant Stars of the week: Jasmine |
Super clay work and directional instructions in maths.
Certificate: Ronnie
Making a very careful daffodil sculpture |
Lower – Year 3/4
This week we have enjoyed finding out more about Cassie the main character in Tar Beach. The children described her as free, happy and determined. We used the thesauruses to improve some of our vocabulary and decided we could use contented or carefree instead of happy. The aim then was to write a character description using the adjectives and noun phrases to describe Cassie and what she was doing and seeing when flying over New York City. In Maths, we have been revisiting 2D shapes, and learning about vertical and horizontal lines, also parallel and perpendicular as well as identifying lines of symmetry on shapes, we found this harder than you would think so the mirrors came in handy. Our trip to Heaves Farm was super-duper. The children were fabulous as always and asked lots of great questions to the volunteers. We saw and held chicks, watched a sheepdog at work, pretended to be sheep, and identified cows! All good fun and very informative, it is fair to say William was in his element and we are thinking of putting him forward as a guide for next year!!
Upper – Year 5/6
EDINBURGH- WOW what a wonderful time we all had. The children were incredibly well behaved and we were so proud of them. A lady on the train came up to Mrs Cottam to complement the children on their behaviour which was lovely to hear.
We had great fun visiting: Parliament, Camera Obscura, Dynamic Earth, Mary Kings Close and the National portrait art gallery. We also enjoyed a delicious treat meal at Pizza express, had fish and chips at the play park and did about 50,000 steps. Busy is an understatement and I think we had some tired children when we arrived back at school on Friday.
The children have had a busy week with guided reading and writing a persuasive leaflet in literacy. They also focused on times table work in maths and had an afternoon of rounders practice ready for the tournament on Friday, WHICH WE WON!
Tuesday saw us head off on a trip to Heaves Farm in Levens. It was an excellent day finding out about a variety of animals and the day to day life of a farm. The children said their favourite parts were seeing a sheep being clipped and holding the baby chicks.
Year 3 Star of the week: Adam
For working hard to improve his sentences
Year 4 Star of the week: Megan –
For an excellent character description
Year 5 Star of the week: Antoni |
for excellent questions during our farm visit
Year 6 Star of the week: Daniel
for a great persuasive leaflet |
PTA Summer Fair and dog show – Friday 8th July following Sports Day
Plans are coming along nicely for the PTA Summer Fair and dog show on Friday 8th July from 3pm which will now follow on from Sports Day. Please could we ask you to start looking around for suitable prizes for the raffle and tombola such as unwanted gifts, bottles of wine, boxes of chocolates etc. Also, if you or anyone you know has a business that would like to donate a voucher as a prize, please let us know, it would be much appreciated. On the day of the fair we would also be grateful for donations of cakes and biscuits. There will be an email coming out soon with more Summer Fair info…
Sports Day – we are really looking forward to welcoming parents back to Sports Day on Friday 8th July at 1.30pm. Please make sure that children have their PE kit in school.
Orienteering – a team of lower juniors will be heading to Quernmore on Tuesday 5th July to take part in a fun filled morning of Orienteering. A full information sheet will be sent separately to those children involved.
Kwik Cricket – a team of upper juniors will be taking part in a Kwik Cricket tournament on Wednesday afternoon. A full information sheet is attached for the children taking part. Please note we will return to school at 5.15pm.
School Money
It is less than 3 weeks until the end of term!!!! Please can I ask that you settle your School Money balance BEFORE we finish for the summer holidays. This can be done via the app or by bringing cash into the office.
Garden Gang news
This week we have had a special visitor, Erica Sarney from The Heritage Field in Caton to come and have a look at our beautiful garden area and donate us some wild flower plants to encourage bees and other pollinators. She loved talking to the children and finding out how much they enjoy Garden Gang.
Parent Help needed….
Our new playhouse for the infant area has arrived and we are looking for parent volunteers to help us to put it up. It is a wooden playhouse which is currently flat packed and will need putting together with a drill/screwdriver.
Please let Hannah know in the office if you can help.
Trophies – please can all trophies from last year be returned to school ready for our end of year awards.
Uniform for September
Please don’t forget to order any uniform that your child will need for September. www.ualonline.uk/product-category/schoolwear/lancaster/hornby-st-margarets-primary-school/
The PTA also have a stock of second-hand uniform that can be purchased for a small price in the school porch. They also gladly accept donations of uniform once your child has outgrown it, see a committee member or Hannah in the office for more details.
Please return your Friday bags on MONDAY
Diary Dates
This week |
Monday 4th July
Tuesday 5th July
Wednesday 6th July
Thursday 7th July
Friday 8th July |
Rounders Club – Juniors – After School 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Cluster Orienteering competition
New starters visit 9.15am – 11.15am All-star’s cricket tournament
Garden Gang – school garden at morning break – bring your wellies
Sports Day from 1pm Summer Fayre from 3pm – organised by PTA
Advance Warning |
Monday 11th July Tuesday 12th July
Wednesday 13th July
Thursday 14th July
Monday 18th July
Tuesday 19th July |
Induction morning for Year 7 pupils at QES LAST rounders club
New starters visit including lunch 12pm – 3pm
Year 6 biscuit decorating with Madame Chocolate
Garden Gang – school garden at morning break – bring your wellies
Year 6 Leavers party 1pm – 3pm
9 am – Leavers Service End of term