10th June

Hornby St Margaret’s C E Primary School

Headteacher: Mr. K Stafford-Roberts

Class News.


Infants have had a fantastic week back in school after the half term break. New topic information is included with this email. We welcomed Miss Paget, our new teaching assistant into the class. We hope she will be very happy here at Hornby St. Margaret’s. 


In Year 1 and 2 we have been continuing to find out what Mary Anning was famous for and have been finishing off writing our diary accounts. Children have been using some brilliant vocabulary. You might ask us what excavated, paraded and mystery mean.  In Maths, we have been exploring fractions of shapes and have been telling the time using fractions e.g. o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. Year 2 have been trying to tell the time to the nearest five minutes. 

Reception have been reading ‘The Dinosaur Department Store’ and exploring why the character might not want to have a dinosaur as a pet. We have been making posters and dinosaur prints. In Maths we have been exploring friendly numbers that make up 10.  We have been on a minibeast hunt and tried to think about differences between minibeasts and ourselves. We made up a new version of ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and performed it to the bigger children. 


We also went on an outdoor adventure at Borwick Hall. It was great to take part in a Bear Hunt orienteering challenge and make a bear den. We enjoyed seeing our friends from Leck St. Peter’s and exploring the indoor caves as well as sailing on the canal. 



Infant Stars of the week: Ronnie

Trying hard to add detail and super vocabulary in his writing. 


Certificate: Sophie

For a fantastic song performance.



Science Trip – Juniors – Be the Change – Go Green

We had a fantastic day out to Lancaster University on Tuesday, the theme for the visit was ‘Go Green’ the children were encouraged to think about plastic and how we use it, food miles and transportation and we all got to make pesto from scratch.  I hope this was enjoyed on their return home.  This fitted in beautifully with our Geography and English topic from last half term.  The university offer a range of different courses through the Children and Young People Partnership, we look forward to going to other events in the future. 




Lower – Year 3/4 

The first week back has been a super one.  It has been wonderful to hear about what the children have been up to over the half term, thank you to those who took time to put together a PowerPoint presentation to show the class.  

We had a super day out at Lancaster University learning all about plastic and we were very excited to receive a letter from David Morris MP in response to our letters we sent to him asking about what the council were doing in our area to lessen the pollution from plastic.  


On Thursday, we took part in an online lesson from the WWF on Nature and Climate Change.  This was very eye opening, and we learnt a lot from the presenter.  Did you know that the temperature of a turtle’s eggs determines what gender they will be, so as a result of the planet warming we are getting more female turtles than male turtles.  So, obviously for the future of the turtle population this is very worrying.  We learnt lots of ways we can help, many of the things the children and families are doing already.  Make sure you ask your children about it and what they learnt.  


Please note here is no extra homework this week, please continue to encourage your children to learn their spellings, read and go on TT Rockstars, I will give the new sheets out next week.  Have a lovely weekend!  


Upper – Year 5/6  

This week we had the Science trip on Tuesday which was great fun, we have also been learning about time and how to read 12 hour and 24 hour clocks. On Thursday in PSHE we learnt about “How to be a baby” Our favourite quote from one of the children was “When you are a baby, you’re basically helpless because you just roll around like a hurt football player!!!” Hopefully they will enjoy this new topic this term.



Year 3 Star of the week:  Daniel


For raising interesting questions and making thoughtful observations in our discussion around the new value for this half term; Goodness

Year 4 Star of the week: Megan


For an excellent presentation on Hadrian’s Wall

Year 5 Star of the week:  Izzy

Great questions asked during our trip to the University


Year 6 Star of the week:  Noah


A great attitude on our trip 


Rounders Club – will be going ahead!

This will be on a Monday after school 3.30pm – 4.30pm with Mrs Cottam and will start on Monday 13th June until 11th July. This is open to all Juniors and will cost £10 for 5 weeks. Payment will be set up on Schoolmoney or you can bring cash to the office. Please let Hannah in the office know if your child would like to join in.


Edinburgh Residential – parents of children going to Edinburgh – medical forms have been handed to children today, please check that nothing has changed, marking onto the from any changes and return to the office for Monday – many thanks. Children will not be able to go without the form being checked and returned.



PTA News

Unfortunately, due to a clash with dates we have had to put the planned Race Night back to September. Please put Friday 30th September on your calendar and keep it free for us, we’d love to see you all there! Especially our current Year 6 families – please come along and tell us how you’re getting on in your new schools! More information about tickets and sponsorship will follow soon. 


We have a planning meeting for the Summer Fair this Tuesday, 14th June, at 7:30pm at Rachel Edmond’s house (45 Main Street, Hornby) Please come along and join us, we’d love to hear your ideas!

If you can’t attend the meeting but would like to offer to help with the fair please get in touch, we would really appreciate it.


Thanks, the PTA committee 



Diary Dates

Week commencing 6th


Monday 13th June



Thursday 16th June


Rounders Club – Juniors – After School 3.30pm – 4.30pm with Mrs Cottam – please put your names down with Hannah in the office.


Garden Gang – school garden at morning break – bring your wellies


Advance Warning


Wed 22nd – Fri 24th June


Tuesday 28th June


Friday 1st July


Monday 4th July


Friday 8th July


Monday 11th July

Tuesday 19th July

Edinburgh Trip – Y5 and Y6 Residential


Junior Trip – Heaves Farm open day


Cluster rounders tournament


Sports Day


Summer Fayre from 3pm – organised by PTA


Induction morning for Year 7 pupils at QES


End of term