4th February
Covid-19 – Thank you for supporting us and continuing to test your children if they feel unwell.
Mrs Hannah Joel, has been appointed as the new School Administrator and will be starting in school after half-term. She will work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we are sure she will be very happy here and soon get to know everyone.
We are having a Spanish Day in School on Monday. Lucy will be serving a delicious Spanish menu, if your child doesn’t usually have a school lunch they are very welcome to join in on Monday, the cost will be £2.35.
We will spend the day learning more about Spain and participating in a range of fun activities.
Class News.
Years 5 and 6 have been really busy this week. They have all helped to make our library bright and colourful with their amazing art work of book characters. We are purchasing some new books for the library with help from our wonderful PTA. We still need a helper to run the library, if you or anyone you know are interested please let Mrs Cottam know. Thank you.
Our iMovie holiday adverts are coming along nicely (although they are making us all want a holiday).
In maths we have been adding decimals.
The year 5/6 football team preformed brilliantly, they did really well to come second and we have very proud of them. They only lost in the final on penalties!
Year 6 Star of the week: Izzy for excellent goal keeping at the football tournament.
Year 5 Star of the week: Joshua for excellent effort creating art for the library display.
Years 3 and 4. This week we have been reflecting on what we have learnt in Maths over the past half term. Everyone has worked hard and has learnt lots of new skills in Maths as well as recapping on previously learnt skills.
We started writing our non-chronological reports in English. Our ‘Healthy Living’ topic has provided us with lots of great content so I am looking forward to reading the finished pieces of work. Lots of the children have talked about how they are trying to eat more healthy food and talking about how and when they are active doing things they enjoy. Bones, bones and more bones in Science this week, learning the scientific names for some of our bones; scapula, clavicle and femur to name a few. Ask your child what they can remember! Did you know there are about 600 muscles in our bodies?
Year 4 Star of the week: Ruby for improving her attitude towards reading and TT at home and for being a motivated and resilient learner.
Year 3 Star of the week: Daisy for always putting 100% effort into all she does.
Infants have had a fantastic week in school. Lots of children have had their names under Mrs Hamlett’s smiley face for super work.
Reception have been looking at the difference between pet cats and big cats. We have been thinking about the sorts of homes pets might live in and how we care for pets. We have also continued to think about how to keep our bodies healthy. We read the story of ‘Supertato’ and designed our own vegetable superheroes. We have thought about the composition of number 7.
In Years One and Two, we have read lots of different descriptions of wolves and written our own to use in our Traditional Tales. We have been exploring odd and even numbers, adding by counting on and vertical addition of two-digit numbers.
We have thought about the local area and begun to create our own water colour Hornbyscape artwork in the style of Lowry. We are excited about Spanish Day activities which will we do on Monday next week – estamos emocionados!
Infant Star of the week: Macy for writing a rhyming poem using her ‘phoneme of the day’.
Certificates: Sophie for using collage materials to create a fluffy artwork rabbit.
George for super scientific thinking.
Ruby for trying really hard to learn her spellings.
Life Education – Coram Life Education will be visiting school again on Tuesday 8th February. They will be selling bendy pencils for £1, if your child would like one please send in the money in a named envelope. The Educator will be available at the start of the day, if any parents want to ask any questions, please come to the main school entrance.
Upper Junior Caving Day – our year 5 & 6 children will be experiencing an introduction to caving on Monday 21st February (the first day back after half-term). These sessions will be led by an experienced instructor from Tower Wood Outdoor Centre, along with Mr Stafford-Roberts and will take place at a cave in the Yorkshire Dales chosen by the instructor. Parents of those children involved will find a full information sheet in this week’s bag. There is no charge for these sessions, school will be funding the full cost. Children will need a packed lunch on the day. If any parent has any queries or concerns, please do speak to Mr Stafford-Roberts.
Junior Film Club. Mrs Cottam will be running a film club for junior children on a Monday starting after half-term. The club will run from 3:30 to 4:30pm and there will be a £10 charge for the half-term. Please email bursar@hornby.lancs.sch.uk if you would like your child/ren to attend.
After School Junior Rugby Club. Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Club will be running a Junior Rugby club starting on Tuesday 22nd February. The club will run from 3:30 to 4:30pm and there will be a £10 charge for the term. Please email bursar@hornby.lancs.sch.uk if you would like your child/ren to attend.
Bikeability – 1st & 2nd March. All of our year 5 and 6 pupils will be undertaking Bikeability training on Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd March. Bikeability is a cycling proficiency course giving children the skills and confidence to cycle in today’s traffic conditions. In this week’s bag, parents of participating children will find a letter regarding the training, an ‘M Check’ to ensure your child’s bike is roadworthy, plus a consent form which needs to be completed and returned as soon as possible. The course is fully funded by Lancaster County Council and bears no cost to parents.
Veg Power. Lucy is promoting Veg Power, eat them to defeat. The campaign runs from February 28th to March 28th and aims to get children trying more vegetables, by focusing each week on a different vegetable! If children would like to draw, colour, paint or collage a vegetable picture over half-term Lucy will display them round the dinner hatch. There will be a prize for the best vegetable picture by Infants, Lower Juniors, and Upper Juniors. Judging will take place on Friday 25th February so make sure all entries are received by then. Thanks Lucy.
Dates this half-term: –
Monday 7th Feb –Spanish Day
Tuesday 8th Feb – Life Education Visit
Tuesday 8 Feb – Jess Butterworth Online presentation for Years 5&6
Friday 11th Feb – Break Up at 3:30pm for Half-term
Monday 21st Feb – Return to School for 2nd Half of Spring Term
Monday 21st Feb – Junior Film Club 3:30 – 4:30pm
Monday 21st Feb – Upper Juniors Caving
Tuesday 22nd Feb – After School Junior Rugby Club 3:30 – 4:30pm
Saturday 26th Feb – Garden Gang Big Dig
Tuesday 1st Mar – Year 5 & 6 Bikeability
Wednesday 2nd Mar – Year 5 & 6 Bikeability