21st January
Class News.
Years 5 and 6. Upper juniors have enjoyed learning some Spanish in school. In Literacy they have produced information booklets about Spain, including creating some eye-catching details. The booklets are proudly displayed in the classroom.
They had lots of fun in science finding their pulses and doing an investigation. They went outside to exercise and see what affect this had on their heart rates. The information gathered was then input into Excel to produce a class bar chart.
Mrs Cook enjoyed doing food tasting with year 5 and 6 in DT, everyone as really enthusiastic and willing to give everything a try!
Year 6 Star of the week: Ava for producing a great information booklet about Spain.
Year 5 Star of the week: Jack for producing a great information booklet about Spain.
Years 3 and 4 Hola!
For the last couple of weeks, the children have been learning some Spanish vocabulary in their language lesson with Miss Yost. This is linking in with our topic, Spain, in Geography. The children have really enjoyed it and well done to Daisy who went home and learnt some extra words to share with the class, thanks Daisy!
I have been impressed with the efforts the children have been putting with their Maths this week. Learning new skills and recapping old ones, putting our division knowledge into practice. Talking to the children about how their multiplication knowledge really helps with their division, has inspired some children to make more effort with their TT Rock Stars practice at home. This really helps with division and also when we move on to fractions soon!
Year 4 Star of the week: Henry for setting himself a challenge to go on TT Rock Stars in his own time and achieving it! His comment on his efforts so far was ‘You can do anything in 5 minutes!’
Year 3 Star of the week: Seb for improved attitude to reading and TT Rock Stars at home and setting a good example to others.
Infants have been exploring different materials and thinking about their properties this week.
Reception children have been using printing tools to print their own house and the ‘Three Little Pigs’ House. They have used different construction methods to make some of the buildings we saw on our walk around Hornby
Years 1 and 2 children have been thinking about different landscapes. They have done some colour mixing to paint a Lowry style seascape. We have also been role playing the Three Little Pigs story and the older children in class have started to their own versions – Three Little Snaked and Three Little Hyenas are some of the titles!
In mathematics, reception have been exploring shapes and Year 1 and 2 have been ordering and calculating with 2-digit numbers.
Infant Star of the week: Joey for super morning challenge work and telling fantastic stories with the small world toys.
Certificate: Jonathan for being a cheerful member of Class One and trying hard to write the letters in his name.
We are sorry to tell you that Miss Allen is moving on to a full-time post elsewhere in Lancashire Education and will be leaving us on Friday 4th February, we all wish her well in her new role.
Junior Film Club. Mrs Cottam will be running a film club for junior children on a Monday starting after half-term. The club will run from 3:30 to 4:30pm and there will be a £10 charge for the half-term. Please email bursar@hornby.lancs.sch.uk if you would like your child/ren to attend.
School Money. Please can everyone have a check on their outstanding balances. It would be good to keep the outstanding balances to a minimum.
Parent Governor Vacancies. There are currently vacancies for parents to join the School Governing Body. The school governors have oversight of the school, and work as a team to support the head and staff. There is a meeting each term, at 6pm on a Tuesday in the second part of term. Each governor is also assigned to a committee, either Staffing and Finance, Curriculum and Communications or Fabric, Health and Safety, these committees also hold termly meetings. If you would like to know more please talk to any of the parents who are currently governors or come and talk to Mr Stafford-Roberts. If you would like to offer to be a school governor, please email bursar@hornby.lancs.sch.uk expressing your interest by Monday 24th January. If there are several applicants there maybe a need for a confidential ballot.
PTA News. There was a really good number of bags for the bag2school collection on Wednesday, we should receive a cheque for £88. Thank you to everyone who had a clear out.
There will be a PTA meeting via Zoom on Thursday 3rd February at 8pm. A brief AGM will be followed by a discussion to plan events for the rest of the academic year. A Zoom link will be posted in the PTA Facebook group nearer the time, or please let Mrs Sharpe know if you would like it to be emailed to you. We look forward to seeing you and hearing your ideas!
Dates this half-term: –
Tuesday 1st Feb – Cluster Football Tournament at Arkholme
Thursday 3rd Feb – PTA Meeting via Zoom 8pm
Monday 7th Feb – Junior Spanish Day
Tuesday 8th Feb – Life Education Visit
Friday 11th Feb – Break Up at 3:30pm for Half-term
Monday 21st Feb – Return to School for 2nd Half of Spring Term
Monday 21st Feb – Junior Film Club 3:30 – 4:30pm
Monday 21st Feb – Upper Juniors Caving