17th December

We have had a good final week before Christmas in school.  All the children enjoyed Lucy’s party meal at lunchtime on Tuesday, the crackers were a real hit!!  In the afternoon everyone had fun watching the Virtual Panto!


The donations from the Christmas Service in church have now been counted and we raised a wonderful £128.  Children will be deciding in the New Year which charity they would like the money to be given to.


Young Voices. We have just heard this week that the Young Voices concert is being postponed in February. The organisers are hoping to just delay it until later in the school year.  As soon as we have a new date we will let you know.


PTA News.  The Christmas Raffle raised just over £350 which is absolutely fantastic!  Thank you so much to everyone for your support.

We have booked a Bags 2 School collection for Wednesday 19th January.  So, if you are having a clear out and have any good quality clothes, shoes, bags or cuddly toys, please save them for us.  We will send the bags home the first week back after Christmas.


And Finally…… as this is definitely the last newsletter of the term, may we wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!   We look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 4th January 2022!




Dates this half-term: –

Tuesday 4th Jan – Return to school for spring term

Monday 10th Jan – Upper Junior Dance Lessons

Wednesday 19th Jan – Bag2School Collection