10th December
We are sure that you will all agree, that the children performed fantastically during our Christmas Service in church this week. We hope you enjoyed the beautiful singing, story telling and miming of the Nativity story.
This week we have decided that the whole school are stars. Well done everyone for the wonderful performance in church!
Lucy is preparing party food on Tuesday 14th December, everyone is invited to join in. If your child doesn’t normally have school meals the charge is £2.35 for juniors and it’s payable online through SchoolMoney. We will be watching Panto Live in the afternoon and the children can come to school in their Christmas Jumpers.
Class News.
Juniors enjoyed their activity day on Wednesday, making hats and place mats ready for the lovely Christmas Dinner that Lucy served up! The Morecambe FC football sessions have now finished. In the new year dance will replace the football, the first session being on Monday 10th January. Upper juniors will dance the first half-term and lowers the second. They all need their PE kit each week as the children not dancing will be doing PE with Mrs Cottam.
There is no junior swimming next week, the sessions will restart on Thursday 13th January for pupils in years 3, 4 & 5, please help them to remember their kit.
Infants have been busy in class planning an animal adventure story, which they will write next week. They have been designing their own story maps. In numeracy, they have been exploring number bonds and the addition sign. The children are now getting very good at partitioning numbers.
On Wednesday, they had a brilliant day – filled with Christmas themed activities and enjoyed a yummy Christmas lunch. Look out for our Christmas folders coming home soon!
PTA News. Please return all money and raffle ticket stubs by Monday 13th December at the very latest. The draw will be live streamed on the PTA Facebook page on Wednesday 15th December and a list of prize winners will be placed in the foyer at school. We will also aim to contact all prize winners before the end of term.
We have booked a Bags 2 School collection for Wednesday 19th January. So, if you are having a clear out and have any good quality clothes, shoes, bags or cuddly toys, please save them for us. We will send the bags home the first week back after Christmas.
And Finally…… as this is the last newsletter of the term, may we wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 4th January 2022!
Dates this half-term: –
Tuesday 14th Dec – Panto Live in School, Christmas Party Food, children can wear their Christmas Jumpers
Friday 17th Dec – End of Term
Tuesday 4th Jan – Return to school for spring term
Wednesday 19th Jan – Bag2School Collection