1st October
Covid-19. Attendance at school this week has been good, in fact today it’s 100%! If we all keep monitoring children for symptoms, we should be able to provide them with as ‘normal’ an experience in school as possible.
Class News.
Year 5 and 6 have been finishing off their animal factsheets and working on subtraction in Maths. Along with the lower juniors, they have also been writing autumn poems and drawing cards to send to the residents of a local care home.
Year 5 Star of the week: Dexter– for being very focused and giving thoughtful contributions in R.E.
Year 6 Star of the week: Dominic – for sharing in-depth answers with the class in R.E.
Year 3 and 4 have been pretending to be Paddington and writing a letter to Aunt Lucy in her retirement home for bears in Darkest Peru. They have had to think about the events so far in the story and consider how Paddington might be feeling about his experience of London so far. Maths has involved talking through different calculations, and discussing different problems linked to place value. We have continued to enjoy our Light topic in Science, and are getting closer to solving the crime of the stolen diamond earrings!
Year 3 Star of the week: William – for working hard on his Autumn poem.
Year 4 Star of the week: Ted – for putting a lot of effort into his letter to Aunt Lucy in English.
Infants this week have been taking part in Harvest activities. They have made some gratitude trees to use at prayer time.
Infant Star of the week: Sam – For his fantastic pencil drawing using lines to show emotions.
Reception New Starter Photo. The Lancaster Guardian photographer came into school yesterday to take a reception group photo. Keep a look out for it in the paper, she said it would probably be the middle of November.
Junior X-Country. It was disappointing that the weather caused the cross county to be cancelled this week, we know the children were looking forward to it.
Junior Tower Wood. Juniors are starting their Tower Wood Adventures again on Monday 4th October. Tower Wood is an activity centre on the shores of Windermere that offers a wide range of both land and water-based activities, perfect for a day’s adventure! There is no charge for these trips, school covers the cost of both transport and instructors. Children should wear their own warm clothes, outdoor shoes or boots and will need a waterproof coat. Waterproof trousers would also be useful if they have them. Pupils will require a packed lunch and will not be back in school until about 5:30pm. An information sheet is attached with the newsletter today.
Parent Consultations – we plan to hold parent consultations virtually again this term on Monday 11th October using Microsoft Teams. Meetings will last a maximum of 10 minutes. We will email you a time and link for your meeting next week.
Young Voices – Manchester Arena – 7th February 2022. We are organising an exciting opportunity for the junior children to take part in the UK’s biggest school’s concert. It is on Monday 7th February 2022 at the Manchester Arena. The rehearsal is in the daytime with an evening concert. School will organise a bus to take all the children. Parents are invited to the concert in the evening, further information regarding tickets will follow. We will return to school around 10:30 to 11pm, children will be able to come into school a little later on Tuesday morning. We have provisionally booked places for all junior pupils and therefore need to know if any children will not be able to attend. Parents may remember our Year 6 leavers talking about this event as a fantastic opportunity that they really enjoyed! Please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter and return it in the Friday bag on Monday.
Year 5 & 6 Residential – we have booked the Youth Hostel in Edinburgh from Wednesday 22nd June to Friday 24th June for our upper junior residential, more information will follow next week.
Annual Flu Vaccination (nasal spray). We have been asked to remind parents about giving consent for the Flu Nasal Spray, take up appears to be low this year. If anyone needs the link resending please let Mrs Sharpe know.
Dates so far for this half-term: –
Monday 4th Oct – Junior visit to Tower Wood
Monday 11th Oct – Virtual Parent Meetings
Tuesday 12th Oct – Infant visit to Borwick Hall
Tuesday 12th Oct – Junior Cluster Rugby Event at Wray
Monday 18th Oct – Individual and Family Photos
Tuesday 19th Oct – Flu Nasal Sprays
Thursday 21st Oct – Last day of half-term
Friday 22nd Oct – Teacher Training Day.
Monday 1st Nov – Back to School after half-term holiday