16th September
Covid-19. As we are no doubt all aware the virus is still very much about in the community. We continue to operate under Covid-19 restrictions in school so parents should not be coming into school in the mornings. If you need to talk to a member of staff, please either email the school office or if urgent pop into the front of school to see Mrs Sharpe. Parents should continue to monitor their children’s health and not send them into school if they are unwell in any way. If they are presenting with any of the classic symptoms of Covid-19 (a high temperature of 37.8°C or above, a new continuous cough and/or change to sense of taste and smell) please do take them for a PCR test. We know that there are positive cases in the village so we will continue to ask you to take children for a PCR test if they display these symptoms as well as some of the other symptoms common in children such as headache, sore throat and tummy pain. Thank you for supporting us in the return to school and in trying to lower transmission amongst our community.
Class News.
Year 5 and 6 have been busy playing dodgeball in PE. Creating magazine articles about animal environments in literacy and working hard in maths with numbers up to 1 million. The children are also enjoying their guided reading sessions with some exciting texts this term
Year 5 Star of the week: Elliott – for his excellent attitude to his literacy work.
Year 6 Star of the week: Roxy – for her fantastic work in maths
Year 3 and 4 have had a good week! Everyone has worked hard and the Year 4s have been really kind and supportive to the Year 3 children who have come up from the Infants. Thank you to all the parents who have been encouraging their children to read, learn their spellings and go on TT Rockstars at home, this really does benefit your child in school. Homework sheets have more information on them, any questions please feel free to email Mrs Cook who is looking forward to next week where they will be carrying on with Place Value in Maths and working towards writing their own story in English, based around the story of Paddington.
Year 3 Star of the week: Daisy – for being an enthusiastic learner and always trying her best.
Year 4 Star of the week: Henry – for becoming more responsible for his own learning and being supportive and helpful to others.
In Years One and Two this week, we began reading our class novel ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ by Roald Dahl. We are enjoying meeting the characters so far. We celebrated Roald Dahl day by creating an ‘Enormous Crocodile’ head and making crocodile bookmarks. Watch out for them in our home reading books!
In Reception, we have been learning about body parts. We decorated some biscuits to look like our faces. We have started to think about how we have changed as we have grown.
Infant Star of the week: Ruby – Brilliant computer skills, searching for her favourite animal.
For recycling week next week, Infants will be using recycled materials for some craft and sculpture sessions. Please could you raid your recycle boxes and send in clean yoghurt pots, cardboard tubes, egg boxes, newspapers or magazines, plastic bottles, tin cans, bottle tops and plastic milk containers.
Annual Flu Vaccination (nasal spray). Attached to the newsletter email this week is an email from Blackpool Teaching Hospitals School Age Vaccination Team regarding the Flu Nasal Spray. The consent process has been streamlined this year and is now online. Please have a read and respond appropriately. The vaccination team will be in school on the morning of Tuesday 19th October to administer the nasal sprays.
Reception Health Needs Questionnaire. Each reception child is bringing home a letter from the School Nurse today. Please have a read and return the form to school completed.
Forms, Forms. Thank you to everyone who has completed all the forms in last week’s bag. Please could we appeal for the outstanding forms to be returned on Monday. It is important that we always have the most up-to-date information on file regarding all children.
PTA will be getting up and running again in the next couple of weeks, look out for information about a date for the first meeting.
Ice Cream Friday. All children will be offered an ice cream at the end of school tomorrow Friday 17th September. These have been funded by a kind donation from a grandparent of a child in school.
Dates so far for this half-term: –
Monday 20th Sept – Year 3/4 Morecambe Football
Thursday 23rd Sept – Year 3,4 & 5 Swimming
Friday 24th Sept – Praise Assembly 3pm
Monday 27th Sept – Junior X-Country at Tatham Fells
Monday 4th Oct – Junior visit to Tower Wood
Tuesday 12th Oct – Infant visit to Borwick Hall
Tuesday 19th Oct – Flu Nasal Sprays
Thursday 21st Oct – Last day of half-term
Friday 22nd Oct – Teacher Training Day