9th July
We are almost there! This is the final newsletter of this school year. Let’s hope the sun shines for the next couple of months and we can all have a lovely summer break.
Photos. Individual and family photos were sent home earlier this week, they all looked lovely. Taking them outside seemed to work well. We are still waiting for the group photo, hopefully it will arrive next week!
Sports Day. The winners were Castle, keep a lookout for the photos on the Facebook page they will be up soon.
End of Year Walk to Wray. We are all walking to Wray on Tuesday to visit the playground and have a picnic. All children will need to bring a packed lunch and drink in a backpack that they can carry. An information sheet with further details is attached with this newsletter.
Infants have been thinking about journeys. Reception children have designed and written postcards. Years 1 and 2 have been solving pirate end of year challenges and continuing to write their adapted traditional tale. We have written so much this week, we have needed to sharpen our pencils a lot!
The Infant Star Award George – Choosing to write lots during afternoon choosing time.
Infant Certificates Seb –Creative ideas for his story.
Daniel – Solving maths challenges and using logic to work out the pirate challenge.
Lower Juniors. As this school year comes to a close, I want to thank all the children for their hard work and effort this year. It has been a strange one and as things start to go back to ‘normal’ whatever that might look like for you, we can hopefully start to look forward to the next school year with positivity. I want to wish the Year 4 children lots of luck for their new chapter in Year 5, I will miss you all lots and to Year 3, I look forward to teaching you again next year! Thank you to parents for all your support, having a positive home/school relationship is essential to your child’s success in school. We are all looking forward to welcoming the Year 2s into the juniors. It was lovely to meet with the Year 2 children last week and get to know a little bit about them. I hope everyone has a lovely summer and let’s pray the sun keeps shining! Mrs Cook
Stars of the week Toby – Working well with others.
Joshua – Well done with your homework this week.
Michael – For persevering with your writing and working hard to improve your handwriting.
Upper Juniors have finalised their presentations for the Leavers’ service this week. Budding ‘scientists’ investigated the properties of paper helicopters and presented their findings to the class.
Year 6 children are really looking forward to their special day on Monday. They can come to school in their own clothes. They will be having a craft and games morning and enjoying a traditional afternoon tea from the Hornby Post Office. Thank you to PTA for covering the cost.
Year 5 star of the week Izzy – a good recount of her school memories.
Year 6 star of the week Mia – for her helpful nature to staff.
Please could all juniors bring a carrier bag into school for us to send things home.
Goodbyes. We wish all our year 6 pupils well as they move on to the next stage of their education. Ellen is going to LGGS, Freddie to LRGS and Nell, Mia, Gracie, Grace, Gabi, Emily, Lucas and Ben to QES. We hope they will keep in touch and let us know how they are getting on.
Dates: –
Monday 12th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Afternoon Tea
Tuesday 13th July – Whole School Walk to Wray with Picnic
Thursday 15th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Service
Thursday 15th July – End of Term
Thursday 2nd Sept – School re-opens for Years 1-6
Friday 3rd Sept – Reception children come for the morning
Monday 6th Sept – Reception children start full time