25th June 2021
We have had a FANTASTIC response to the Foodbank appeal, thank you all so much. It’s good for us to do something for the local community.
Unfortunately, Kirby Lonsdale Rugby Club have taken the decision to cancel the upcoming primary school’s festival on Wednesday 30th June. The decision wasn’t made lightly, after careful consideration with their safeguarding officer and the committee. The club feels that with the recent surge in Lancashire, closure of some local schools, and senior schools cancelling inter school sport together with the pushing back of the final stage of lockdown it will be best to postpone until next year.
On Thursday 1st July the Infants will be visiting Borwick Hall to continue their outdoor activities. They will all need a packed lunch and a complete change of clothes, please have a read of the information sheet accompanying this newsletter for more detail. They will be back at school around 4:45pm.
Also, on Thursday 1st July, Mrs Shaw will be taking the Upper Juniors on a walk around Hornby Village to look at the different house styles. Again, an information sheet is attached with this email.
Retirement. Thank you so much for all the generous donations received for Cookie’s retirement present; there is still time to contribute. Please pass all donations to Mrs Sharpe in the office by Friday 2nd July at the very latest.
Photos. We hope you all liked the photos sent home last week and have been online at www.tempest-order.co.uk to place your order. We are still waiting for a copy of the whole school photo to arrive and will let you all see it as soon as we have it.
Intensive Swimming Lessons. Lune Valley Swimming Pool is offering Intensive Lessons during the summer holiday, a flyer giving further details is attached with this newsletter.
Sports Reach is running the Soccer and Netball schools again this summer, pupils in year 2 and above are bringing home a leaflet today.
Infants have been exploring the Gospel Values of Love and Joy this week. They have made some lovely artwork for the hall display. They read the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and tried to understand how each crayon felt. They then wrote letters to persuade the crayons to stay!
The Infant Star Award Macy – Super writing in her letter to the crayon.
Infant Certificates Ronnie – Enthusiasm in writing his letter to the crayon.
Livia – Thoughtful ideas in our Gospel Values sessions.
Lower Juniors have had a lovely week this week. From next year we will have a focus on a particular value each half term. Tuesday was dedicated to these values. In Year 3 and 4, we talked about patience and peace. We discussed what this might look like in our lives and what gets in the way of being patient and peaceful. The children had some interesting opinions and were very good at thinking about where they could be a little more patient and peaceful with others.
For our English work, each child has chosen their European country they will research for their fact file and in Maths we have started to look at fractions of amounts.
Year 3 star of the week Scarlett – Well done Scarlett for coming into your new class and settling in. Scarlett has adapted to the new routine well.
Year 4 star of the week Elliott – For being an enthusiastic learner and always trying his best.
Upper Juniors concentrated on the values of kindness and goodness during the Values Activity Day. They produced various pieces of art work around the values and explored the meaning of the values, coming up with acts of kindness they have done in the past or could do in the future. All the art work produced during the day will be displayed in the school hall, photos will be posted on Facebook once the display is finished.
Year 5 star of the week Isabel – for her Literacy work, in particular her word level and use of language, making her writing exciting to read.
Year 6 star of the week Emily – for always showing great enthusiasm during guided reading sessions and contributing well thought-out answers.
Dates so far for this term: –
Some of these dates are provisional depending on covid guidance
Thursday 1st July – Infant Borwick Hall Day
Thursday 1st July – Junior Hornby Walk
Friday 2nd July – Cluster Rounders Tournament
Thursday 8th July – Sports Afternoon
Monday 12th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Afternoon Tea
Tuesday 13th July – Whole School Walk to Wray with Picnic
Thursday 15th July – End of Term
Thursday 2nd Sept – School re-opens for Years 1-6
Friday 3rd Sept – Reception children come for the morning
Monday 6th Sept – Reception children start full time