21st May


We hope all junior parents received the message regarding the change of date for the Tower Wood Trip.  All juniors will now be going to Tower Wood on Thursday 17th June.

Next Wednesday will be the final junior swimming session for this year.  After half-term Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Club will be running some sessions for the juniors on a Wednesday afternoon to replace swimming.


Infants had a fantastic day at Forest School on Wednesday.  They created some clay sculptures, experimented with finding different forest textures for artwork and whittled sticks to toast marshmallows on.  The reception children really enjoyed their first forest adventure!


The Infant Star Award           William – Superstar effort across all of his learning this week.

Infant Certificates                  Livia – Great, clear explanations in her show and tell session.

                                                Eric – Showing enthusiasm for all of his learning challenges.



Lower Juniors have been working hard on their reading comprehension and maths tests this week.  All the children have worked very hard and should give themselves a big pat on the back.  Mrs. Cook was very proud of their efforts.  

Alongside this the children have been creating posters to show aspects of the Viking way of life; houses and food, writing and rhymes, arts and crafts and clothes and jewellery.  We will be doing a quiz next week to see what we have learnt and remembered about the Vikings.  I want to say a big thank you to all the kids who, with the encouragement of our new house points system, have been reading at home, doing their homework, and going on TT Rockstars!  Please do encourage your child in this area as some do need a little push and encouragement.


Year 3 star of the week Zeus – He has been a lovely addition to the class, he is kind and calm and very hardworking.  Well done Zeus!

Year 4 star of the week Noah – He has really improved his attitude towards homework, reading at home and improving his times tables on TT Rockstars!  Well done Noah for pushing yourself and working hard.


Upper Juniors have also worked hard doing their reading comprehension and maths tests this week.  They have all received feedback and staff are proud of them all.  Mrs Shaw has begun their history topic on the Victorians, all children tried a bowl of gruel today! They have also been discovering who the ‘Peelers’ were this week.  There is currently a life size model in the classroom!


Year 5 star of the week          Ava      – Excellent focus and progress in both RE and Music.

Year 6 star of the week          Freddie – For his politeness and good manners to all the staff.


PTA have organised a collection from Bags2school, the clothing recycling organisation.  Bags will be sent home as soon as they arrive next week, so you can have a sort through your wardrobes over half term.  The bags will be collected on Wednesday 9th June at 9am from the school entrance, so donations can be dropped off on Monday 7th or Tuesday 8th June, or on Wednesday 9th before 9am. As the clothes collected are sold for re-use they MUST be in good, wearable condition. Items accepted: clothing, paired shoes, bags, belts, soft toys, household linen, curtains, towels, bedding (sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers). Items NOT ACCEPTED: duvets, blankets, pillows, cushions, carpets, rugs, mats, school uniform, corporate clothing/uniform and soiled or damaged clothing. If these items are found in the bags our collection may be rejected so please bear this is mind when filling your bags. Many thanks.


Dates so far for this term: –

Friday 28th May           – Last Day this half term

Monday 7th June         – Back to school for next half term

Wednesday 9th June   – Bags2School Collection at 9am

– Junior Rugby

Tuesday 15th June       – Junior Trip to Warton Crag

Thursday 17th June      – Junior Tower Wood Trip

Thursday 1st July         – Infant Borwick Hall Day.

Tuesday 13th July              – Whole School Walk to Wray with Picnic