11th December

Parent Consultations – the parent consultations over Microsoft Teams worked well on Thursday. Mrs Cottam will be doing the remaining upper junior ones next Wednesday.  Staff always value the opportunity to talk to parents. 


Last day of term – this week the Government gave us the option to take Friday 18th December as a training day, putting this school day back in later in the academic year. We are conscious that changing the last day of term at short notice will inconvenience many parents and we have plans for the week which we would like to continue with, so Friday 18th December will still be our last day of term. 
We hope that all children will remain fit and well over the Christmas break, but if your child/ren develop symptoms of coronavirus before 4pm on Sunday 20th December, please can we ask that you email us on head@hornby.lancs.sch.uk and we can assist with track and trace if necessary.


Morecambe Football – Monday is the final session with Morecambe FC, so we thought it would be good for all juniors to join in and have a match.  Upper juniors will need to remember their kit.


Junior Dance – In the new year dance will replace football.  The upper juniors will be dancing from the first Friday back and lower juniors will dance after half term.


All Things ChristmassyThe post box is now closed.  Cards will be delivered to children next week.  On Tuesday pupils will be involved in Christmas Activities, Wednesday they will be watching the Panto and Thursday is Party Day, when they can come to school in their Christmassy Clothes!


Year 5 & 6 Residential Reminder – we wanted to let you know that we are looking ahead to a post COVID-19 world where residential trips are able to go ahead, so feeling optimistic we have booked Edinburgh Youth Hostel for 23rd-25th June 2021.
If you have decided you DO NOT want your child to take part in the residential trip, please let us know so we can make an informed decision about the viability of the trip going ahead. Thank you.


Swimming – pupils in years 3,4 & 5 will continue to swim on Wednesday afternoons for the rest of this term, please help them to remember their kit. Swimming will also continue from the first week back after Christmas.



PTA News

Thank you to everyone who has sold and returned raffle tickets. There are still some spares in the school entrance if you need them. Please ensure all stubs and money are returned to Mrs Sharpe by Tuesday afternoon at the latest ready for the draw on Wednesday 16th December. The draw will be done live on Facebook and a list of winners displayed in the entrance hall afterwards. If you have entries for the decorated jar competition, please leave them in the entrance hall on Monday and ensure they are named discreetly so winners can be identified. If you would like to buy a ticket for the decorated jars raffle, please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter and return to the school office with payment. Thanks.


And Finally…… as this is the last newsletter of the term, may we wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 4th January 2021!



What’s coming up: –


Monday 14th December          Morecambe Football Years – All Juniors

Tuesday 15th December          Christmas Activity Day

Wednesday 16th December    Interactive Christmas Panto

                                                Junior swimming

                                                PTA Christmas Raffle Draw

Thursday 17th December        Christmas Party, Christmas Jumpers/Party Clothes

Friday 18th December             End of Term

Monday 4th January                Back to School

Wednesday 6th January           Junior Swimming

Friday 8th January                    Upper Junior Dance




Decorated Jars


Name of child/ren __________________________________________________________________


I would like to buy ____ tickets for the decorated jars raffle at £1 each & enclose ________________


If I do not win a jar   *I would like a refund/ *please keep my money as a donation (*please delete as applicable)

