4th December
Parent Consultations – we are holding parent consultations virtually this term using Microsoft Teams (which works in the same way as Zoom). Meetings will last a maximum of 10 minutes. You will find a slip in your Friday bag giving you the date and time. We will email the link for your meeting next week.
Year 5 & 6 Residential – included in the upper juniors Friday bag today is a letter from Mr Stafford-Roberts about the planned visit to Edinburgh next June. Please have a read and reply as requested.
Swimming – pupils in years 3,4 & 5 will continue to swim on Wednesday afternoons for the rest of this term, please help them to remember their kit.
PTA News – the school entrance is full of tempting goods for the raffle hampers. Thank you to everyone who donated.
We have also received many of the raffle tickets back with the money, please send in any outstanding tickets. There are still extra books available just outside Mrs Sharpe’s office, the draw will take place on Wednesday 16th December.
What’s coming up: –
Monday 7th December Morecambe Football Years 3/4
Wednesday 9th December Christmas Dinner
Junior swimming
Monday 14th December Morecambe Football Years 3/4
Wednesday 16th December Interactive Christmas Panto
Junior swimming
PTA Christmas Raffle Draw
Friday 18th December End of Term