9th October
The five reception children have settled really well and are enjoying the challenges they are being given.
Children in year 1 and 2 are starting to learn some exciting things about wolves.
Year 3 and 4 have produced some lovely work around the Lock Ness Monster and have started to create their own creatures. Have a look on the school Facebook page.
Upper juniors are enjoying exploring Narnia, by both reading the book and watching parts of the film. Facebook has some examples of their artwork.
Reception – please can reception children bring in a yoghurt pot for next Tuesday for creative work.
School Lunches – Cookie continues to offer all our children lovely hot lunches, which are fully funded for all infant children and excellent value at £2.30 for juniors. We have a very good take up for these and are always happy for children to try the meals and can be flexible about the days they have them, just contact the school office. Junior meals are paid for largely through our school money system www.eduspot.co.uk. Text reminders will be sent to parents today with your outstanding balances. We really appreciate outstanding balances being kept to a minimum, you can also pay in advance if that helps. Paper bills can still be provided if this works best for families, if you have any questions please contact Mrs Sharpe in the school office, either by the email address or telephone number above.
Early Morning Club – continues to be available from 8:20am at a cost of £2 per session for the first child of each family, with siblings attending the same sessions being charged £1.50 each. The club is available to all children in school, you can just turn up and pay on the day or pay via www.eduspot.co.uk, text reminders will be sent to parents today with outstanding balances.
What’s coming up:-
Tuesday 20th October – Junior Tower Wood Trip
Thursday 22nd October – Break up for half-term holiday 3:30pm
Friday 23rd October – Teacher Training Day
Monday 2nd November – Back to school after half-term holiday
Monday 16th November – Infant Borwick Hall Trip
Wednesday 25th November – Flu Nasal Sprays
Friday 18th December – End of Term