26th June
Now we have more children in school we thought it would be good to start emailing out a newsletter; so everyone is kept up to date with what is going on!
We realise we are sending out some lengthy emails, but it is important for you to read them to the end. The email sent on the evening of Tuesday 16th June is particularly important and will be referred to when we invited your children back to school. Please try to stick to your drop off and pick up times that were texted to you.
This week we have welcomed back children in reception, year 1 and year 6 to join the Keyworker children who have been attending throughout lockdown.
We are continuing to plan for additional children to return to school and hope to be able to offer all children who wish to come back some time in school before the summer. Year 4 pupils have been invited to come back next Monday 29th June. There are no fines or attendance issues for parents who decide not to return at present and staff will continue to put work on the OneDrive for these children.
School will be providing free packed lunches for all pupils attending until we break up for the summer holidays.
The Junior Residential to Malham planned for the beginning of July will not be going ahead. School will either refund payments or use any payments you have made towards the outstanding balances on school meals. Mrs Sharpe will email parents to discuss this.