13th March

It was good to see everyone at the parent meetings earlier this week; we do appreciate your support.

A group of junior pupils are enjoying the after school club run on a Thursday by Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Club.


Coronavirus – Covid 19.

We want to reassure all parents that we are following the national situation carefully and checking the daily bulletins sent to us by the Department for Education for any updates or changes. School will remain open and function as normal unless we are told otherwise.

In the meantime, please encourage your children to wash their hands with soap and water regularly. Do not send in hand sanitiser. This isn’t safe for young children to have in school and isn’t as effective as soap.

We have also posted some links in the parent advice section of the website which may be useful to you. We will use our text service for breaking updates and post other relevant links on the website.


Parental Questionnaire.

The Curriculum and Communications Committee of the Governing Body would be very grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete the short parental questionnaire included in the Friday Bag today.  Please try and return them to school in the bag by Monday 23rd March at the latest.  We really value the opinions of our parents and carers.


Bikeability – 18th & 19th March.

Year 5 & 6 children will need to remember to bring their bikes to school on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th March for the Bikeability training,  Please refer to the M check sent home earlier to ensure the bike is safe to ride and bring a helmet if you have one, if not the trainer will be able to provide one.


Height & Weight Check.

The school nurse will be coming on Friday 20th March in the morning to carry out Height and Weight Checks with Year 6 and Reception Children.  Information regarding the national measurement programme was sent out before Christmas.




10 – 11:30am tomorrow, please spread the word. Thank you for all your donations.



Thank you for all the sponsorship received and tickets bought. If you would still like some tickets please put your request and money in your Friday bag. Monday will be the last day we can accept ticket requests due to needing to plan catering. If you are coming to race night and have any specific dietary requirements we need to know about, please put a note in your Friday bag or speak to Michelle Norris.

If you have already requested tickets they will be in your Friday bags today.




Dates for this term:-