28th February



Topic webs are included in the Friday Bag today for all infant children.  The juniors are continuing their topics from last half-term; in literacy they will be looking at stories from other cultures, in history the Indus Valley and in science materials.


Life Education. The children, as always, have thoroughly enjoyed the Life Education visit today – this year being a pop up tent instead of the bus! Different year groups have enjoyed a variety of sessions including ‘My Wonderful Body; Friends; It’s Great to be Me; and All About Me’.


Year 1 and 2.  As part of our clothes topic in year 1 and 2 we are learning about how styles of clothes have changed.  Please can children bring to school any photographs of parents, grandparents or great-grandparents as children, making a note of the date taken.  We will return the photos. Thanks Mrs Hamlett.


World Book Day – 5th March.  We are inviting all the children and staff to come to school dressed as their favourite book character on Thursday 5th March to celebrate World Book Day; they can also bring the book containing the character to share with other pupils.  Student council will be collecting £1 from each child to donate to this year’s chosen charity.

World Book Day Tokens are enclosed in the Friday Bag today, together with the latest Scholastic Book Club Leaflet.  Please note that you can only use one token per book ordered.  Ordering can be done online now at http://schools.scholastic.co.uk/hornby-st-margarets-ce-primarmar.  There are hundreds of fantastic children’s books to choose from, and every £1 you spend will earn 25p for our school in Scholastic Rewards.  If you wish to order using the leaflet that is fine too, just return it to school by Monday 9th March, online orders should be placed by then as well.


Parents Meetings.  Parents meetings this term are planned for Monday 9th March and will run from 3:40pm to 6:50pm.  Appointment sheets will be available as usual near each classroom from Monday morning for you to sign up.  If you don’t come to school with your child, please ring the school office and we will try to find a suitable appointment for you.


Bikeability – 18th & 19th March.  All of our year 5 and 6 pupils will be undertaking Bikeability training on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th March.  Before half-term parents of participating children had a letter regarding the training, an ‘M Check’ to ensure your child’s bike is roadworthy, plus a consent form.  If you have not completed and returned the consent form yet, please do so to enable you child to take part.

Junior Residential.  Please remember that the balance for the Malham residential visit, which takes place at the beginning of July, needs to be paid in full by the end of March.  If this timescale causes a problem do come and talk to Mrs Sharpe and we will try to organise a revised deadline.


PTA NEWS.  There will be a PTA meeting this Wednesday, 4th March at 2:45pm in school. We will be finalising the plans for the upcoming Jumble Sale and Race Night. We will need help setting up the events and helping out on the day, so if you are unable to come to the meeting but can help in some way, please let us know via a note in the Friday bag or via Facebook. Jumble donations can be dropped off in school from Monday 9th March. Tickets are now on sale for the Family Race night, plus the opportunity to sponsor a race or an individual horse/jockey. Please see the flyer in today’s Friday bag for more information, or speak to a committee member or check out the PTA Facebook page.




Dates for this term:-