7th February
We have had a fairly busy week in school. Infants enjoyed a day outside at Leck on Monday, they spent time in the Yurt and also made a wormery.
Years 5 and 6 went caving up at Ribblehead, everyone joined in and pupils enjoyed the day; some loved going through the squeezes!
The football teams did amazingly well in the competitions at Arkholme. Both upper and lower juniors got through to the final, lowers won and uppers just lost out on penalties!
Parent Help Morning. Parent help would be greatly appreciated at school tomorrow 8th February, with some tidying and general maintenance jobs. Most of the jobs are outside. We will need garden tools, spades and forks and if you have a power washer please bring that along too. We intend to start from 9:30am onwards and be finished by 12noon. Well behaved, helpful children are welcome to come along too!
Bills, Bills, Bills. Text messages have been sent out today to parents owing money for either Early Morning Club or Dinners or both. Please would you try to settle these in full next week, so we can start next half term without any outstanding balances. If this causes anyone a problem do come and talk to Mrs Sharpe and we will work something out. The balance for the Malham Residential is also due by the end of March please.
Upper Juniors. Mrs Cottam would like pupils in years 5 and 6 to bring a pack of Top Trumps into school on Monday. Don’t go out and buy any; only send them if you already have some, we have a few packs in schools that we will use too.
Safer Internet Day. Next Tuesday 11th February is Safer Internet Day, the aim is to create both a safer and a better internet, where everyone is empowered to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. Pupils will be taking part in activities relating to this in class. Please could we also remind parents that there is a full range of information and advice in the parent section of our website.
Life Education. Coram Life Education will be visiting school once again on Friday 28th February. There is a leaflet enclosed in this week’s bag which gives a little oversight into what children gain out of the experience. Parents are more than welcome to attend a specifically planned session between 9:00am to 9.15am to hear more about the programme.
Lancashire Adult Learning at Leck – Y6 SATs Sessions. Parents of children in Y6 are invited to attend two SATs sessions provided by Lancashire Adult Learning College at Leck St Peter’s School.
The focus of the sessions is to inform parents on the full process of SATs assessment; from the structure and format of the assessments through to taking part in a variety of fun, informal activities based around the topics and skills covered in the assessments.
Both sessions are on Friday 6th March – English from 9.30-11.30am and Maths from 1-3pm.
Please return the reply slip at the bottom if you are interested in attending either or both sessions.
Reminder! If your child is going home with another child and their parents after school please do let us know, we have a responsibility to make sure we dismiss pupils to the correct people.
PTA News. Also included in the Friday Bag today is a sheet from PTA giving further details of the Jumble Sale and Race Night; to have a read.
Dates for this term:-
- Saturday 8th Feb – Parent help morning
- Tuesday 11th Feb – Safer Internet Day
- Monday 17th Feb – Half Term Week
- Monday 24th Feb – Back to School after Half Term
- Wednesday 26th Feb – Ash Wednesday Service in Church 10am
- Friday 28th Feb – Life Education Tent
- Friday 6th March – SATS Sessions at Leck St Peter’s School
- Monday 9th March – Parents’ Evening
- Saturday 14th Mar – PTA Jumble Sale
- Friday 20th Mar – PTA Race Night