6th December

Year 2 pupils had a visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service on Thursday afternoon; the session was designed to help the children and their families stay safe from fire.  Handouts relating to the session are included in their Friday bags today, do have a read and maybe a discussion about what the children learnt.



PTA Christmas Fair.  Thank you to everyone who has so generously donated items for the Fair and bought or sold raffle tickets in advance; the raffle hampers look amazing!

Donations of cakes and biscuits for the cake stall – homemade or shop bought are equally welcome, can be brought along tomorrow.

Please do come along tomorrow, it starts at 2pm and invite all your family and friends!


Young Voices.  The parent tickets for Young Voices have now been purchased.  If you requested tickets please send in the money on Monday, tickets are £20 each; cash or cheque made payable to Hornby Church of England Primary School.


Pantomime at The Dukes. Thank you to all the families who have sent in their contributions for this trip.  A slip is included at the end of this newsletter for any parents who still need to give permission for their children to attend this trip.


Year 1 and 2 Pupils.  Next Thursday 12th December pupils in years 1 and 2 will be making smoothies for an astronaut in technology.  A note is in their reading diary today detailing which fruit they need to bring please.  Many thanks Mrs Hamlett.


Infant Nativity – Tuesday 17th December.  Parents, family, grandparents and friends are welcome to attend the performance at 6pm, we will not be issuing tickets this year.  Children will need to be in school by 5:40pm to get ready.


Payment Cards for Malham Trip.  Parents of children going on next year’s residential to Malham will find a payment card in this week’s Friday bag.  This is to help you keep track of payments and spread the cost of the trip.  The total cost is £120 per child, if you have not yet paid the deposit, please do send this in as soon as possible. The balance can be paid in instalments between now and the end of March.  Please send the card with any payments you make, cheques should be made payable to Lancashire County Council.  If you have any concerns about the visit do come and talk to Mr Stafford-Roberts.


PTA News.  Tea Towels ordered this week are included in the Friday bag today.  They will also be on sale tomorrow at the Christmas Fair.  The Christmas Cards etc ordered from your children’s art work are also included in the Friday bag today.



Dates for this term:-