29th November
Newsletter 29th November 2019
The infants really enjoyed their morning learning more about owls. They all had a hold of an owl. Photos of the morning are on the school Facebook page, so have a look!
We are all starting to get very excited about Christmas, both infants and juniors are now practicing for their events.
Advent Reflection Day. Four year 2 children will be joining pupils from other schools in the valley at Leck School on Wednesday 4th December. An information sheet giving further details is included in the Friday bag today for the pupils attending; please note that they will need a packed lunch on the day, to be dressed as for Forest School and to bring a glass jar with them.
Young Voices. Monday 2nd December really is the final day for parents to request tickets for the concert in January, the slip is at the end of the newsletter again today.
Pantomime at The Dukes. We are all going to watch Cinderella at the Dukes in Lancaster on Friday 20th December (Oh Yes We Are!). The total cost of the trip will be £14 per child; the PTA have very kindly agreed to help fund this trip, so we are just asking parents for a contribution of £5 per child. PTA are pleased to be able to offer this financial support, but do rely on parents supporting all their fundraising events to be able to continue with this. Further information regarding the trip times will follow nearer the date.
Infant Nativity. Parents, family, grandparents and friends are welcome to attend the performance at 6pm, we will not be issuing tickets this year. Children will need to be in school by 5:40pm to get ready.
Carol Service. All junior children have a slip with some lines to learn for the Carol Service in their Friday bag today. Year 6 children will be bringing home some more words next week as well.
Vision Screening. Reception children are invited to take part in the Vision Screening on Tuesday 7th January. Information regarding this is included in their Friday bags; this is an ‘opt-out’ assessment and therefore you only need to return the slip if you do not want the eye test for your child.
PTA News. If you ordered tea towels at the beginning of the week they are included in your bag today. Orders received in the last day or two will be available next week. There are still plenty left so the order slip is at the end of the newsletter again today.
Thank you to everyone who has returned their raffle ticket stubs and cash, please continue selling, more tickets are available from either the school office or Michelle Norris. Further prizes for the raffle would also be gratefully received.
Please could children bring in their decorated jars by Friday 6th December, details of this competition were on the PTA newsletter sent out a couple of weeks ago. Pictures of previous years’ jars will be on the PTA Facebook page for any new parents who are unsure what to do.
Donations of cakes and biscuits for the cake stall – homemade or shop bought are equally welcome, can be dropped off in the entrance hall on Friday 6th December or brought along on the day.
We would appreciate help setting up for the fair on the Friday after school.
Dates for this term:-
- Wednesday 4th Dec – Advent Reflection Cluster Day
- Thursday 5th Dec – Year 2 Fire Safety Talk
- Saturday 7th Dec – PTA Christmas Fair 2-4pm
- Thursday 12th Dec – Last Junior Swim this term
- Monday 16th Dec – Final Morecambe Football Session
- Tuesday 17th Dec –Infant Christmas Production 6pm
- Wednesday 18th Dec – Christmas Activity Morning & Christmas Party Afternoon
- Friday 20th Dec – Morning Panto Visit & Lunch time Christmas Party Food
- Friday 20th Dec – Carol Service 2pm
- Friday 20th Dec – End of Term
- Monday 6th Jan – School reopens for Spring Term