15th November
We have had a relatively quiet week in school. Included in the Friday bag today is a bright green newsletter from the PTA, please do have a read. Also included are some Raffle Tickets from the PTA for you to sell to family and friends.
Boxes of Hope. Thank you to everyone who prepared a shoe box for the Romania charity. The volunteers who picked them up this week were really pleased with the response.
Christmas Production.
We are making a change to our Christmas productions this year.
Juniors will not be doing a Christmas Play this year, but will be leading a new Carol Service in church on the last day of term Friday 20th December at 2pm.
The infants will be doing a Nativity Performance at 6pm on Tuesday 17th December. They are busy preparing for this production – Born in Bethlehem. We have costumes for all children who are dressing up in school. If your child is a narrator, we sent their words to learn home on Monday in reading diaries. We would like all narrators to bring in a Christmas jumper to wear with their school uniform for the production. Please can these be in school by Friday 6th December.
Junior Residential.
A copy of the original letter from Mr Stafford-Roberts regarding the junior residential is included in the bag today for any families still to reply. We really need to know next week if your child/ren will be going, so we can confirm numbers with the Youth Hostel.
Christmas Cards. Please can all orders be returned to school by Monday 18th November at the very latest. The sale of these cards raises funds for the PTA that are used to benefit all pupils in school.
Scholastic Book Club. Ordering is now possible online at http://schools.scholastic.co.uk/hornby-st-margarets-ce-primar. There are hundreds of fantastic children’s books to choose from, and every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club will earn 25p for our school in Scholastic Rewards. If you wish to order using the leaflet that is fine too, just return it to school by Monday 18th November, online orders should be placed by then as well.
Dates for this term:-
- Monday 25th Nov – Infant Forest School at Leck
- Thursday 28th Nov – Infant Owl Display, Hornby & Leck Pupils at Hornby
- Saturday 7th Dec – PTA Christmas Fair 2-4pm
- Thursday 12th Dec – Last Junior Swim this term
- Monday 16th Dec – Final Morecambe Football Session
- Tuesday 17th Dec –Infant Christmas Production 6pm
- Wednesday 18th Dec – Christmas Activity Morning & Christmas Party Afternoon
- Friday 20th Dec – Morning Panto Visit & Lunch time Christmas Party Food
- Friday 20th Dec – Carol Service 2pm
- Friday 20th Dec – End of Term
- Monday 6th Jan – School reopens for Spring Term