1st November

Topic Information.  Topic information sheets for this half-term are included in the Friday bag for all infant children.  Juniors are focusing on British History and the Anglo Saxons and the Earth and beyond in science.  Parents can always view the curriculum plans on the school website as well.


Home – School Agreement.  Included in the Friday Bag today is our Home-School Agreement which we are legally bound, by the government, to agree with parents.  This agreement is reviewed by both the school governors and the school council.  Please discuss the agreement with your child at the level you feel they will understand, sign and return the form to school, thank you.


The Royal British Legion.  We are supporting the Poppy Appeal again this year, children can bring in 20p for a poppy or 50p for reflectors, rulers or wristbands.


Boxes of Hope. The boxes will be collected soon, so if anyone wants to do a last minute box it just needs to be dropped off at school by Monday 11th November.


Tower Wood.  We are starting our Tower Wood Adventures again next week!  Infants will be going on Tuesday 5th November and Juniors on Friday 8th November.  Tower Wood is an activity centre on the shores of Windermere that offers a wide range of both land and water based activities, perfect for a day’s adventure!  There is no charge for these trips, school covers the cost of both transport and instructors.  Children should wear their own warm clothes, outdoor shoes or boots and will need a waterproof coat.  Waterproof trousers would also be useful if they have them.  Pupils will require a packed lunch on the day and will not be back in school until about 5:30pm.  An information sheet is included in the bag today.  If you have any concerns or queries about these trips please do speak to Mr Stafford-Roberts.


High Five Netball Competition.  Five upper junior pupils will represent school at a cluster competition at Caton on Tuesday 5th November.  A detailed information sheet is included in the bag for the pupils involved.


Assembly at St Margaret’s Church.  The whole school is going to Church on Wednesday 6th November at 10am; parents, grand-parents and friends are very welcome to join us.  An information sheet is included in all Friday bags today.


Year 1 Science.  Mrs Hamlett would like children in year 1 to bring in an empty plastic litre bottle for Wednesday to make a windsock in science work.


Young Voices – Manchester Arena -31st January 2020.  We are organising an exciting opportunity for the junior children to take part in the UK’s biggest school’s concert.  It is on Friday, 31st January 2020 at the Manchester Arena.  The rehearsal is in the daytime with an evening concert.   School will organise a bus to take all the children.   Parents are invited to the concert in the evening, further information will follow.  We will return around 10.30 to 11pm.  We have provisionally booked places for all junior pupils and therefore need to know if any children will not be able to attend.  Please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter and return in the bag on Monday.

Junior Residential.  We plan to take all the junior children on a residential visit to Malham Youth Hostel from Wednesday 1st July to Friday 3rd July 2020.  There is a letter from Mr Stafford-Roberts regarding this trip in all the junior children’s Friday bags today.  Please do respond as soon as possible so we can make the necessary arrangements.


Photographs.  If you ordered copies of the photos taken earlier this term they are included in the Friday bag today.




Dates for this term:-