4th October
The PTA did a fantastic job raising over £400 at The Macmillan Coffee Morning last Friday.
The sun shone for the junior cross country on Wednesday and the pupils all enjoyed taking part.
Reception children smiled nicely for the photographer from the Lancaster Guardian, look out for the picture after half term.
The sun certainly didn’t shine for the juniors to explore the River Wenning, but they have gone and we are sure they will see plenty of water!
Individual and Family Photos. Hopefully everyone has had chance to view the photos taken by Tiny Pixels last week. We have been informed that the last day to order photos is Sunday 13th October.
Walk to School. The first Walk to School this year is planned for Friday 11th October. Staff will meet children in the car park opposite the Institute at 8:20am and then everyone will walk up to school together. Please take care when driving into the car park and dropping the children off. We will need a couple of parents to walk with us as well. Please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter if your child(ren) will be taking part, all walkers will be rewarded with an extra breakfast when they arrive at school.
Infant Forest School Visit. All the infant children are off for their first Forest School Adventure of this year on Monday 14th October! They will visit the wooded area at Leck School and engage in activities with the Infant children from Leck. A detailed information sheet will be included in their Friday bag next week, they will need a packed lunch on the day and waterproofs as the ground can be damp even if it’s not raining.
Parent Meetings. Teaching staff will be available from 2:30 to 7pm on Tuesday 15th October for parents to come and look at children’s work and talk informally with teachers. Should you require a 5 minute 1:1 appointment please indicate on the slip at the end of the newsletter, giving your preferred time slot.
Junior Lunch Time Clubs. Mrs Cottam will be running a lunch time Cookery Club on Wednesdays for pupils in years 5 & 6 after half term, a slip is included at the end of the newsletter for you to sign up. Mrs Cook will offer a drop in Games Club for years 3 & 4 on Friday lunch time, no need to sign up!
Dates for this half-term:-
- Friday 11th Oct – Walk to School
- Monday 14th Oct – Infants Forest School
- Tuesday 15th Oct – Parents Meetings
- Thursday 17th Oct – School Council Training at Arkholme
- Friday 18th Oct – Teacher Training Day
- Monday 28th Oct –Back to school after half-term holiday
- Friday 1st Nov – Flu Nasal Sprays
- Friday 1st Nov – Mad Science Club 3:30-4:30pm