27th September
The Macmillan Coffee Morning was a great success again, thanks to everyone who supported it. The PTA work hard to make it a success.
Thank you also to Tim Smith (Jack’s Dad) who very kindly trimmed the hedge along the side of school the other afternoon.
Forms, Forms. There are still a couple of families who have not returned any of the forms sent home. A second set of forms is included in these Friday bags today, please do complete them, we need to know we have the correct information for all the children on role.
Mad Science. We had a visit on Monday from Mad Science; one of their Scientists delivered an assembly to all the children. Included in all the Friday bags today is a flyer advertising an after school club they plan to run in school on Fridays starting on 1st November. Registration is online, details on the flyer, the deadline to register is Monday 30th September, so be quick!
Individual and Family Photos. The photographer was in school on Monday. He took family and individual photos of all the children in school. Included in the Friday bags today is a slip from tiny pixels with your child’s name on giving details of how to view and order the photos.
Junior X-Country. The cross country was cancelled this week due to the weather. It has been rescheduled for next Wednesday 2nd October and the same pupils will be taking part, so the information sheets from last week include the correct details.
Junior River Visit. Mrs Shaw is planning to take all the juniors on a geography trip to follow the route of the River Wenning next Friday 4th October. We have booked a coach to transport them up to the river source at Bentham and they will work their way down back to Hornby, stopping off at various points to study the river. We are asking for a £5 contribution towards the cost of the coach from each child, please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter and return it on Monday, due to the trip being on Friday. A detailed information sheet is included in their bags today, please note they all require a packed lunch on the day.
BookTrust. All reception children are bringing home a free gift pack from BookTrust today. We hope you enjoy reading the book with your child.
Dinner Money. Most families are now paying for school meals online. Parents of pupils in year 3 will have been sent a link to the app if they were not already using it for Early Morning Club. Any parents struggling to gain access please let Mrs Sharpe know and we will resolve it. Bills are included in the Friday bag today for families who prefer to pay by cash or cheque.
PTA AGM. The PTA will be holding their AGM in school on Friday 4th October at 2pm. We would love to see as many people as possible to join us in planning our fundraising for this academic year. If you are unable to attend the meeting but are interested in being involved this year, please speak to Michelle in the playground or send a message via Mrs Sharpe in the school office.
Dates for September:-
- Tuesday 1st Oct – Harvest Activity Day
- Wednesday 2nd Oct – Junior Cross Country at Tatham
- Friday 4th Oct – Junior River Visit
- Friday 4th Oct – Reception Photo for Lancaster Guardian
- Friday 4th Oct – PTA AGM 2pm in school
- Friday 11th Oct – Walk to School
- Monday 14th Oct – Infants Forest School
- Tuesday 15th Oct – Parents Meetings
- Friday 18th Oct – Teacher Training Day
- Monday 28th Oct –Back to school after half-term holiday
- Friday 1st Nov – Flu Nasal Sprays