20th September

Forms, Forms. Thank you for all your form filling.  Please can we appeal to the families who have not completed them yet to do so and send them in on Monday.


Annual Flu Vaccination (nasal spray). 

There are still a couple of flu forms outstanding, Monday is your last chance to send them in.


Individual and Family Photos.  Tiny Pixels will be in school on Monday 23rd September to take individual and family photographs.  Families with younger siblings are welcome to come into school at about 10:30am to have a photo taken with their older brothers and sisters.


Junior X-Country.  A group of eight junior pupils are going to Tatham Fells School on Wednesday 25th September in the afternoon to take part in cross country races with pupils from other Lune Valley Schools. An information sheet is included in the Friday bag for the children involved.


Music Lessons.  Phil Gibson started drum lessons again on Wednesday this week. Mrs Trotman will be starting her lessons next Thursday, letters regarding her lessons are included in the Friday bag today.  If any pupil has a desire to play any instrument, please let us know and we will see if we can organise it.


Library Help. Mrs Rosie volunteers in the school library on a Thursday afternoon, it would be good if another parent would offer to help with this.  Pop into the school office or put a note in the Friday bag if you feel you can help.


Macmillan Coffee Morning.  We’re looking forward to the coffee morning next week. It would be great if we could have another pair of hands to help during the event (especially to help serve drinks) so please put your name down on the roster if you can. Donations of raffle prizes and cakes gratefully appreciated as always. If you can’t help but can still pop in for a cuppa, it would be good to see you. Friday 27th 10.00 – 11.30am.  If you are unable to attend due to work commitments but would still like to support the cause, you can send a donation in a named envelope for the raffle.  Please spread the word among your family and friends, the more people who attend the more money we raise for the charity.


PTA AGM.  The PTA will be holding their AGM in school on Friday 4th October at 2pm.  We would love to see as many people as possible to join us in planning our fundraising for this academic year.  If you are unable to attend the meeting but are interested in being involved this year, please speak to Michelle in the playground or send a message via Mrs Sharpe in the school office.


Dates for September:-