6th September
Welcome Back!
We hope everyone had a lovely summer. Thank you for all the lovely gifts we received at the end of last term, we are still enjoying the biscuits and chocolates! This is unfortunately a fairly lengthy newsletter, but please try and read it, as it contains important information.
New Faces. Our new reception children started today; we welcome Ralph, Syd and Sam. We are sure they will all be very happy here at Hornby St Margaret’s School.
Friday Bags. Each Friday, a family bag will be sent home via your eldest child in school. The bag will contain a variety of information for you to read and, in some cases act upon. Please empty the bag on Friday ready for returning it back to school on Monday morning. You can use the bag to safely return any reply slips, completed forms and money, if any has been requested. Any money that you do send into school should be in a clearly marked envelope with your child’s full name and what the money is for written on it. Please ensure that your child understands the importance of bringing the bag back and handing it in on a Monday, especially if you have placed money inside. Thank you.
Forms, Forms. Included in all Friday Bags today is a form titled Parental/Carer Consent and Medical Information Form for Educational Visits and Adventurous Activities. This form is for the whole academic year and will cover local and low risk visits made by the children, for example, museum visits, local school visits, local walks and days out. For anything else, such as residential or farm visits, we will seek further permission from you. Although you are only completing one form for all the low risk activities we will send home an information sheet each time to keep you informed of the activities.
Also included in the bag is a Pupil Data Collection Form for each child. This form will be used to update the information we currently hold on the school database for your child(ren). It is important we have the most up-to-date information, so please do let us know if anything changes during the year.
Class Information. All junior pupils have a class newsletter included in the Friday bag, please do have a read. Year 3 & 4 will be starting football sessions with Morecambe FC on Monday. Pupils in years 1 and 2 have a Welcome Back Pack and the new reception children have details of the topics they will be looking at this term.
Westmorland County Show. The whole school will be going to the Westmorland Show on Thursday 12th September for the day. We will leave school just after 9am and return in time for the normal end of day, all pupils will need a packed lunch on the day. A detailed information sheet is included in the bag today. We are asking parents for a £5.00 contribution towards the cost of the day. This includes admission and transport. Please complete and return the slip giving permission for your child/ren to attend this outing together with payment of £5.00 per child by Monday given the proximity of the trip. Cheques should be made payable to Lancashire County Council. We appreciate that some families will be attending the show; if you would prefer your child/ren to go with you as a family unit rather than as part of the school outing, please indicate this on the slip at the end of this newsletter.
Annual Flu Vaccination (nasal spray). All pupils will find a letter from the School Vaccination Team in their Friday bag. Please complete the form and return it to school by Monday 16th September. The Team will be in school on Friday 1st November to carry out the immunisations.
School Dinners. Cookie continues to offer all our children lovely lunches, which are still fully funded for all infant children and excellent value at £2.30 for juniors. We are always happy for children to try the meals and can be flexible about the days they have them, just come and talk to us.
Early Morning Club continues to be available from 8:20am at a cost of £2 per session for the first child of each family, with siblings attending the same session being charged £1.50 each. The club is available to all children in the school.
Praise Assembly will continue to take place on a Friday afternoon starting 3:10pm to celebrate the children’s work.
Music Lessons. Included in all Friday bags today is a flyer from Mrs Trotman (Chordophone Tuition) regarding piano, ukulele and recorder lessons, please complete if your child is interested in lessons. Drum lessons will also be starting again next week.
Macmillan Coffee Morning. We hope to hold our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September. For the coffee morning to be a success, as well as donations of cakes and raffle prizes, we will need help on the day to run it. Last year we ran a rota system so that as well as helping out parents could sit down and spend some time with their children. We will also need help setting up beforehand and tidying up at the end. There will be rota in the front entrance by Mrs Sharpe’s office from Monday, please sign up if you are able to help, it would be much appreciated.
School Admissions for September 2020
Lancashire County Council’s online application system is now open for applications for 2020.
The website is www.lancashire.gov.uk/schools. The closing date for applications is:
- Secondary school applications – 31st October 2019
- Primary school applications – 15th January 2020
QES Information Evenings Parents of year 6 children are invited to attend information evenings for prospective 2020 year 7 entrants on either Wednesday 11th September or Thursday 19th September at 6:30pm. Full information and a registration form can be found on the QES website www.queenelizabeth.cumbria.sch.uk
Dates for September:-
- Sunday 8th Sept – Youth-led Service at Saint Margaret’s Church 10:45am; everyone welcome.
- Monday 9th Sept – Morecambe Football starts for years 3 & 4
- Wednesday 11th Sept – QES Information Evening 6:30pm
- Thursday 12th Sept – Westmorland County Show
- Thursday 19th Sept – Swimming starts for years 3, 4 & 5
- Thursday 19th Sept – QES Information Evening 6:30pm
- Friday 20th Sept – Year 3 Parent Drop in 9:00 to 9:30am
- Monday 23rd Sept – Individual and family photos
- Wednesday 25th Sept – Junior X-Country at Tatham
- Friday 27th Sept – Macmillan Coffee Morning