28th June
The PTA Summer Fair after school last Friday was a great success. Thank you to everyone who either helped or came and supported the event. The total raised was £380, which is roughly the cost of the coach for the trip to Haverthwaite.
Juniors have had a busy week! Year 6 had fun on Monday bowling and eating pizza.
The church service on Wednesday to celebrate local inspirational women was a success, with several upper junior pupils speaking about the women who had visited the school.
The sun shone for the farm visit on Thursday, the pupils were very excited about being allowed to hold lambs and chicks!
Edinburgh Residential.
The upper juniors are looking forward to their trip to Edinburgh starting on Monday. Please ensure they are in school by 9am with their bag and packed lunch. Included in all their Friday bags today is a blank Administration of Medicine form. Please complete this if your child is likely to need medication while in Edinburgh and bring it into school on Monday morning together with the medication. We hope they will be back for around normal end of day on Wednesday. We are sure they will have a fantastic time!
Whole School Trip – Tuesday 9th July.
Thank you to all the families who have signed the slip and paid for the trip to Haverthwaite Railway. Please send in the outstanding payments on Monday, a consent form is included at the end of this newsletter.
Garden Club will not run this Wednesday 3rd July.
PTA Family Bingo night
Saturday 13th July at 6:00pm in the school hall, all welcome. £1 per book of ten games, full books with six entries per game £6 or any amount in between depending on the age and ability of the children. (It will make sense when you get there I promise, if not grab me on the playground beforehand!) There will be small prizes for a line and larger prizes for a house in each game – so twenty prizes up for grabs! Tea, coffee & squash will be provided at the interval but if you would like to bring something stronger to consume you are more than welcome! There will also be a small tuck shop selling a limited range of sweets, crisps etc. Please complete the reply slip at the end of the newsletter if you are thinking of attending so that we have a rough idea of numbers. We look forward to seeing you there!
Dates to the end of Term
- Monday 1st July to Wednesday 3rd July – Years 5/6 Trip to Edinburgh
- Monday 8th July – Sports Day
- Tuesday 9th July – Whole School Trip to Haverthwaite / Windermere
- Saturday 13th July – PTA Bingo Night 6pm
- Monday 15th July – Junior Tower Wood Day
- Tuesday 16th July – Infant Tower Wood Day
- Wednesday 17th July – Junior Swimming Gala at Ingleton Outdoor Pool
- Thursday 18th July – Leavers Service 9am
- Thursday 18th July – School Closes for the Summer Holidays at 3.30pm!
School re-opens for pupils on Tuesday 3rd September