3rd May

The sun shone for the annual walk to Wray Scarecrow Festival; thank you to the parents who accompanied the children, it is always good to see the displays and appreciate the effort that the community makes.

The next couple of weeks are relatively quiet in school leading up to SATS week starting on Monday 13th May for year 6 children.  Please encourage your child not to worry about these.  They do need to be at school to try their best and that is always good enough.

Please remember there is no school on Monday, it’s May Day!


Junior Reading Challenge

Mrs Cottam plans to put up the reading challenge display next week, if anyone has any more photos please email them into school early next week using this email bursar@hornby.lancs.sch.uk


Junior Cycling Club

Jill Eccleston’s Cycling Club will start on Monday 3rd June (the first day back after half-term). It will run for 6 weeks, with the final session being on Monday 8th July.  Pupils wishing to take part will need to bring their bike and a helmet into school each Monday; the bike needs to be in good working condition, further details will be sent to parents whose children  sign up for the club.  The cost for the club will be £30 per pupil, please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter and return it along with the payment.


School Meals

The total cost for school meals this half-term is £52.90; 23 days at £2.30 per day.  Please keep the outstanding balance to a maximum of 2 weeks.  Paper bills are included in some Friday Bags today for families who prefer not to pay online.


Early Morning Club

It is now possible to pay for Early Morning Club using the online system.  Money owing from before the Easter Holidays will still need to be paid by either cash or cheque; details of these debts are included in the Friday bag today.  Infant parents will receive a text message giving them access to the online system, it will still be possible to pay on the day or in bulk by cash or cheques, whatever is simplest for you.


PTA Meeting

There will be a PTA meeting this Tuesday, 7th May, at 8:30pm at 26 Station Road, Hornby (Michelle Norris’s house).  We will be reviewing Race Night and planning events for this term, an agenda will be available on our Facebook page. All welcome, we look forward to seeing you there.


Gardening Club

Gardening Club will start this coming Wednesday 8th May and will run for 45 minutes, so pick will be at 4:15pm.  All pupils who returned a slip have a place and can currently stay each week.





Dates for this half-term

Next Half-Term