29th March
The PTA Race Night last Friday was a great success; everyone who came thoroughly enjoyed it. It raised approximately £400 for school funds. Thank you to everyone who supported the event either in the planning or on the evening and to everyone who came along. PTA hope to make it an annual event!
We hope that parents enjoyed listening to the Lune Valley Schools Choir performance last Friday. The aim is to set up a Choir in the valley for any children interested, keep an eye out for details in future newsletters.
Upper junior pupils have had a very busy week. They all went climbing in Hutton Roof on either Monday or Tuesday, the weather was great and they had a full day outside appreciating the beautiful part of the country we are lucky enough to live in. Seven upper juniors also attended the Rugby Tournament at Wray School on Wednesday and came away with the winning trophy! Well Done. The After School Club run by Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Club has obviously been a success.
Easter Activity Day & Cake Sale. Staff are busy planning an afternoon of Easter Activities for next Tuesday 2nd April. Student Council will also be holding a Cake Sale at the end of the day. Any donations of cakes would be very welcome. Children can bring in a £1 to buy cakes, proceeds will go to this year’s charity.
Travelling Science Day. PTA are funding a Science Day next Friday 5th April; it should be a lovely, fun way to finish the term! Adrian Bowden, a former Key Stage 2 classroom teacher who has also taught science at secondary school, will lead a session with the infants in the morning and one with the juniors in the afternoon.
Praise Assembly. We will not be holding an assembly next Friday 5th April; as we have the Travelling Science Day.
Reception Sight Test. The School Nurses will be carrying out sight tests with reception children on Tuesday 23rd April.
Junior After-School Kwik Cricket Club.
This club will start after school on Friday 26th April and will run from 3:30 to 4:30pm for 5 weeks. It will be run by Steve Pemberton, a professional Lancashire Cricket Coach and will cost £2 per session, so £10 in total. Please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter if your child/ren wish to take part.
The coach will also run a free session for children in years 1 & 2 between 2:15 and 2:45pm on these 5 Fridays too.
Year 3/4 Cross Stitch Club. Mrs Rosie has kindly offered to run an after school cross stitch club on a Monday for pupils in years 3 and 4. The club will run from 3:30 to 4:30pm, starting on Monday 29th April. Please complete the slip at the end of today’s newsletter if your child would like to take part.
Junior Swimming has now finished. After Easter it will be replaced by PE sessions.
Dinner Money. There are still some fairly large outstanding amounts. Please do settle these before the end of term.
Early Morning Club. The charges for Early Morning Club will increase when school starts again for the Summer Term; so from Tuesday 23rd April. The charges will be £2 per session for the first child of each family, with siblings attending the same session being charged £1.50 each (so £3.50 for a 2 child family and £5 for a 3 child family, etc). We have set the Early Morning Club up on School Money, so parents will be able to pay online after Easter, just as you do for school meals. We will also except cash on the day, if you wish to continue to pay in this way.
- Monday 1st April – Last After School Rugby Session
- Tuesday 2nd April – Easter Activity Day
- Friday 5th April – Travelling Science Day
- Friday 5th April –School Closes for Easter Holidays at 3:30pm
- Tuesday 23rd April – School Re-starts for Summer Term
- Tuesday 23rd April – Reception Eye Tests
- Friday 26th April – Junior After-School Kwik Cricket Club
- Monday 29th April – Year 3/4 Cross Stitch Club