15th March
We have had a relatively quiet week in school. Next week is all things musical! The infants have their Music Festival and 10 junior children are going to join the Lune Valley Schools Choir for a day!
Parents Help Morning – Cancelled. The weather forecast for tomorrow is not good! Heavy Rain and strong winds; we mainly planned to do outside jobs, so have decided to cancel the Help Morning, we can all have a lie in!
Lancaster Music Festival – Mon 18th Mar.
The infant children are looking forward to performing at the Music Festival on Monday 18th March. They will all be going in the morning to rehearse, an information sheet giving further details is in their Friday bag today. Tickets (A5 folded programme) for the evening performance are also included in the bag today; they cost £4 each. Please send in outstanding payments, made payable to Hornby CE Primary School on Monday. The children attending the evening performance need to meet at Lancaster Town Hall by 6:45pm, where Mrs Trotman and Miss Allen will be waiting for them; please take them to their seat (children will know where this is) and collect at the end from there too, it is always very busy. Many thanks for your support with this event.
Lune Valley Schools Choir Day – Fri 22nd Mar.
A group of 10 junior children have been invited to a Choir Day on Friday 22nd March at Brookhouse Methodist Church. An information sheet is included in the Friday Bag today for the children involved. We are asking for them to be dropped off at the Church by 9:30am, they will need to bring a packed lunch. The day will end with a performance for parents at 3:30pm, we are happy for parents to pick siblings up from school at 3:10pm in order to get to the performance.
PTA Race Night-Friday 22nd March. Tickets are still available, it should be a really fun evening. The slip to request tickets is included at the end of the newsletter.
Parental Questionnaire. Thank you to everyone who has returned their parental questionnaires, please could the outstanding ones be returned in the bag on Monday.
Years 5 & 6 Edinburgh Residential Payments.
The final balance for the residential trip to Edinburgh is due by the end of this month. Please contact Mrs Sharpe if you are unsure how much is outstanding or if the deadline causes a problem.
Easter Sports. There was not sufficient interest for Mrs Eccleston to run the Easter Sports event, she may try and organise something later in the year.
Dates for this term:-
- Monday 18th March – Lancaster Music Festival – Infants
- Friday 22nd March – Lune Valley Choir Day
- Friday 22nd March – PTA Race Night
- Monday 25th March – Year 5/6 Climbing Day
- Tuesday 26th March – Year 5/6 Climbing Day
- Wednesday 27th March – Upper Juniors Rugby Event at Wray
- Monday 1st April – Last After School Rugby Session
- Tuesday 2nd April – Easter Activity Day
- Friday 5th April – Travelling Science Day
- Friday 5th April –School Closes for Easter Holidays at 3:30pm
- Tuesday 23rd April – School Re-starts for Summer Term