8th March
It has been a busy week in school.
Last Saturday’s PTA Jumble Sale was a success raising over £180 for school funds, thank you to everyone who supported this event.
The year 3 children had a great time at the Lent Activity Day On Monday.
All the children attended the Ash Wednesday Service in St Margaret’s Church, with junior children leading the readings.
World Book Day on Thursday was fun with many children coming to school in their pyjamas, we raised nearly £50 for charity. In the afternoon the classes mixed and enjoyed sharing their favourite bed time stories.
It was good to see everyone at the parents meetings earlier in the week; we do appreciate your support.
Parental Questionnaire
The Curriculum and Communications Committee of the Governing Body would be very grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete the short parental questionnaire included in the Friday Bag today. There is a copy for each child, please try and return them to school in the bag by Monday 18th March at the latest. We really value the opinions of our parents and carers.
Parents Help Morning – Sat 16th March
Parent help would be greatly appreciated at school with some tidying and general maintenance jobs. We will start at about 9:30am and aim to be finished by 12noon. Well behaved, helpful children are always welcome to come along too!
Lancaster Music Festival – Mon 18th March
Thank you to everyone who has returned the slip for the Infant Music Festival, we should have enough tickets to go round. Please could the remaining families complete the slip at the end of this week’s newsletter to let us know your ticket requirements? The tickets will be in next week’s bag, with a request for payment if this has not already been received.
Dinner Money and Residential Payments
The online system for dinner money is working well. Included in the Friday Bag today are dinner bills for families who prefer to pay by either cash or cheque.
Payment for the Edinburgh Residential is due by the end of March. If this timescale causes a problem do come and talk to us and we will try to organise a revised deadline.
PTA Race Night-Friday 22nd March
Thank you to those of you who requested tickets for the Race Night, they should be in your Friday Bags this week, so if you haven’t received them please let Mrs Sharpe know. Thank you also to those of you who have sponsored horses, over half have been taken already which is brilliant! If you would like tickets, or would like to sponsor and name a horse or jockey it’s not too late, just return the form sent out in last week’s Friday bag with your payment asap. If you require a new form, please ask. It will be a really fun and sociable event, we look forward to seeing you there. We would also appreciate any offers of help on the night, so if you are able to spare an hour please let Michelle Norris know. Thanks in advance for your support.
Easter Sports
Mrs Eccleston ( Fitness Club) is currently organising an Easter Sports event to take place at Leck St Peter’s during the Easter break and would like your input – we are trying to find out what dates and times would be most useful to parents. Please fill out and return the slip at the bottom of the newsletter for Monday, thank you.
Dates for this term:-
- Saturday 16th March – Parents Help Morning
- Monday 18th March – Lancaster Music Festival – Infants
- Friday 22nd March – Lune Valley Choir Day
- Friday 22nd March – PTA Race Night
- Monday 25th March – Year 5/6 Climbing Day
- Tuesday 26th March – Year 5/6 Climbing Day
- Wednesday 27th March – Upper Juniors Rugby Event at Wray
- Monday 1st April – Last After School Rugby Session
- Tuesday 2nd April – Easter Activity Day
- Friday 5th April – Travelling Science Day
- Friday 5th April –School Closes for Easter Holidays at 3:30pm
- Tuesday 23rd April – School Re-starts for Summer Term