14th December


The last newsletter this term!

All the staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you for your continued support.

Jamie Norris is moving to The Loyne School in Lancaster after Christmas, we will all be sad to see him go and wish him the very best.


Christmas Performances – Tuesday 18th December.

The children are all really looking forward to performing for you next Tuesday 18th December.  All ticket requests have been met this year, you will find the tickets in your Friday Bag.  We will be performing at 9:30am and 6pm.  Please could all the children be back in school for 5:40pm to get changed ready for the evening performance at 6pm. There will be a collection at the end of each performance for St John’s Hospice.


Christmas Activity Day – Wednesday 19th December.

The School Council invite everyone to come to school in their Christmas Jumper on Wednesday 19th December, when staff will be organising an Activity Day.  The School Council have chosen ‘Leisure for Autism’ as their chosen charity this year and would like pupils to donate £1 for the privilege of coming to school in their Christmas Jumper.


Panto Visit – Thursday 20th December.

The whole school will be going to the The Dukes in Lancaster on Thursday 20th December to see Peter Pan.  Cookie will be preparing party food for lunch when we return, if your child doesn’t normally have dinner on a Thursday but would like to join, please just pop a note in the Friday bag. An information sheet giving more details about the trip to The Dukes is included in all Friday Bags today.


Carol Service – Friday 21st December.

Everyone is welcome to join us at 2:30pm in St Margaret’s Church for the Carol Service; this will be a lovely way to break up for Christmas. Staff will be dismissing the children from there at 3:30pm.  Children will not need to bring their school bags on Friday, everything will have been sent home earlier in the week.



After School Clubs

Monday 17th December will be the final fitness club for the infants.  The club will restart for junior pupils on Monday 7th January; pick up time is 5pm.  Please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter if your child would like to take part as there is a limit on numbers.









Junior After-School Fitness Fun Club


My child(ren)…………………………………………. would like to take part in the Fitness Club starting on Monday 7th January.

Signed …………………………..