9th November
Most Friday bags are quite full today! The PTA Christmas Cards have arrived and so have the school photos, they are all included in the bag today.
There is also a separate red sheet from PTA in the bag giving all the up-to-date information regarding the Christmas Fair on Saturday 1st December.
Boxes of Hope. Thank you to everyone who sent in boxes for the children in Romania, at least 20 boxes were sent from school. We are sure they will be very much appreciated by the children who receive them and hopefully bring a smile to their faces.
Fitness Fun Club. It was lovely to see so many slips returned for the Fitness Club. As explained in the text messages, infants will attend up to Christmas and then juniors in the new year.
Multicultural Festival of Light Day. 4 pupils from year 4 will be going to Over Kellet School on Tuesday 13th November to join children from other local schools in a workshop regarding various religions. A detailed information sheet is included in the Friday bag for the pupils involved, please note they will need a packed lunch on this day.
Assembly at St Margaret’s Church. The whole school is going to Church for a Remembrance Service on Wednesday 14th November at 10am; parents, grand-parents and friends are very welcome to join us. An information sheet is included in all the Friday bags today.
PTA Mufti Day. On Friday 16th November, children are invited to wear their own clothes to school in return for a donation of a raffle prize. It could be a box of chocolates or biscuits, a bottle of something alcoholic, or something smaller like a Christmas pudding which could go into one of our fabulous hampers. Please leave your donations in the school entrance on the morning of Friday 16th November.
Upper Junior Netball Competition. The five pupils who represented school at the cluster high five competition did fantastically well; they came out top of all the schools there and have been invited back on Wednesday 21st November to play against another group of schools.
Christmas Play. The children have just started rehearsing for the Christmas Play. Infants will have information about their part and costumes in their book bag. Juniors have been told their parts by Mrs Barker, a slip with the details is also included in the Friday Bag today for parents.
Dinner Money. The online dinner money system seems to be working well for most parents. Bills are included in some Friday bags today for families who wish to pay by cash or cheque. We would be grateful if outstanding amounts could be kept to a minimum and certainly no more than a couple of weeks.
Art Aprons. Mrs Cottam would be like all junior children to have either an art apron or an old t-shirt in school that they can pop on over their uniform.
We hope everyone is pleased with the Christmas cards, should you have any issues please talk to Michelle Norris.
- Tuesday 13th Nov – Y4 Multicultural Festival of Light Day
- Wednesday 14th Nov – Remembrance Church Service 10am
- Friday 16th Nov – PTA Mufti Day
- Wednesday 21st Nov – Cluster Netball Tournament
- Saturday 1st Dec – PTA Christmas Fair 12noon to 2pm
- Thursday 6th Dec – Y5 Rewind to Christmas
- Tuesday 18th Dec – Christmas Performances
- Wednesday 19th Dec – Christmas Activity Day
- Wednesday 19th Dec – School Council Christmas Jumper Day
- Thursday 20th Dec – Panto Visit in Morning, Christmas Party in Afternoon
- Friday 21st Dec – Carol Service at Church 2:30pm
- Friday 21st Dec – End of Term
- Monday 7th Jan – School reopens for Spring Term