12th October

It has been a busy half-term!  The infant children enjoyed a trip to Hornby Castle on Monday this week with the infants from Leck. A large group of children joined the blustery Walk to School today and were rewarded with a drink and chocolate brioche.

This will be the last newsletter before half-term, as we break up at 3:30pm next Thursday 18th October.  Please note that we have trips to Tower Wood on the Thursday and Friday of the week we return.


Home – School Agreement. Included in the Friday Bag today is our Home-School Agreement which we are legally bound, by the government, to agree with parents.  This agreement is reviewed by both the school governors and the school council.  Please discuss the agreement with your child at the level you feel they will understand, sign and return the form to school, thank you.


Flu Sprays.  The NHS team will be visiting school on Tuesday 16th October to administer the sprays of children from reception to year 5; only the children whose parents have returned the form will receive the vaccine.


Junior After-School Golf Club.  Nick Barron, the Golf Professional from Bentham Golf Club, will be starting his popular after school club on Wednesday 31st October.  The club will be for juniors only and will run from 3:30 to 4:30pm, children will need to be collected promptly from the front foyer please.  School will be funding the club, so there will be no charge.  Sign up slips are at the end of this newsletter, please return them to school on Monday.


Tower Wood.  We will be starting our Tower Wood Adventures again after half-term!  Infants will be going on Thursday 1st November and Juniors on Friday 2nd November.  Tower Wood is an activity centre on the shores of Windermere that offers a wide range of both land and water based activities, perfect for a day’s adventure!  There is no charge for these trips, school covers the cost of both transport and instructors,  Children should wear their own warm clothes, outdoor shoes or boots and will need a waterproof coat.  Waterproof trousers would also be useful if they have them.  Pupils will require a packed lunch on the day they are going and will not be back at school until about 5:30pm.  Information sheets regarding these trips are included in the bag today.  If you have any concerns or queries about these trips please do speak to Mr Stafford-Roberts.


Boxes of Hope. We are supporting the Boxes of Hope Charity again this year; a leaflet about this shoebox charity is included in the bag today.  It is a local charity that visits Romania each year to distribute the gift-filled boxes to children.  Please read the leaflet for further details and ideas for what to include.  The boxes will be collected from school early in November, so please aim to have them here by Wednesday 31st October, remembering to include the £2 donation.  Thank you.


Christmas Cards

The Christmas Card proofs designed by the children have arrived and are included in the bag today, together with an order form, each card will contain a printed greeting of “Merry Christmas” inside that does not appear on the proof.  Please can all orders be returned to school by Thursday 18th October at the very latest, the sale of these cards raises funds for the PTA that is used to benefit all children in school.


PTA Dates

Following the PTA meeting last night, the following events have been booked.  Race Night in School Hall on Friday 23rd November and the Christmas Fair will be on Saturday 1st December. Please put these dates in your diary, the times are still to be confirmed.





Junior After-School Golf Club. 


My child(ren) ………………………………………………………. Would like to take part in the Junior Golf Club starting on Wednesday 31st October.
