21st September

Forms, Forms.  Thank you to everyone who has completed all the forms included in last week’s bag.  Please could we appeal for the outstanding forms to be returned in the bag on Monday.  It is important that we always have the most up-to-date information regarding all the children.


Annual Flu Vaccination (nasal spray).  Another thank you to all parents who have returned the completed Flu form, again please send in any outstanding forms on Monday.  The school nurse is popping into school to pick them up next Wednesday.


Student Council Training Day.  The student council representatives in years 4,5 and 6 have been invited to take part in a training day organised by Lune Valley School Cluster.  The day is next Tuesday 25th September and will be held at Hornby Institute.  The six pupils involved have an information sheet in their Friday bag today; they will all need to bring a packed lunch that day.


Infant Forest School Visit.  The infants will be continuing their Forest School Adventures on Monday 1st October with a visit to the wooded area at Leck School.  A detailed information sheet will be included in their Friday bag next week. They will need a packed lunch and drink, all disposable items please and appropriate outdoor clothing suitable for the weather.  If they have waterproof trousers please send them, as the ground is often damp even if it’s not actually raining!


Year 5 & 6 Residential.  Mr Stafford-Roberts plans to take all the year 5 and 6 pupils on a residential visit to Edinburgh next July.  There is a letter regarding this trip included in their Friday bags today.  Please do respond as soon as possible so we can make the necessary arrangements.

Thank you.


Junior PE Kit.  Included in all junior pupils Friday bag today is information regarding what PE kit they should have in school, please do have a read.


Virtues for My Soul.  Our latest school inspection noted that we should develop the school environment to reflect our Christian nature and with this in mind we now focus on a specific Christian value, as seen in our stained glass windows.  Each week one child per class will receive a certificate during assembly for demonstrating the value in school and we ask for your help to recognise the value at home too.  The new Christian Value for this term is Honesty and included in the Friday bag today is a certificate for you to complete when your child/ren demonstrates this attribute at home.

Scholastic Book Club.  We have included the book club leaflet in all the Friday Bags today.  Many of the books are much cheaper than on the high street and any orders placed attract commission that school can use to buy books.  If anyone would like to place an order please return it to school by Monday 1st October.  Cheques should be made payable to Hornby St Margaret’s PTA. Thank you.


Macmillan Coffee Morning.  Thank you to everyone who has signed up to help with the coffee next morning next Friday. We expect it to be very well attended and know from past experience that we will need at least 6 people for each slot on the rota, so if you can help but haven’t signed up yet, please do. We will be holding a raffle to raise further funds on the day, so any donations of prizes would be much appreciated. They can be dropped off in the entrance hall any time next week. We would also appreciate donations of cakes and biscuits, bought or homemade are equally appreciated! These can be dropped off on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. Please label any tubs so they can be returned to you. If you are unable to attend the coffee morning but would like to support this great cause, you can send in a donation in an envelope marked with your child’s name and we will box up a selection of cakes and send them home for you. Similarly if you would like to purchase any raffle tickets, please indicate this on the envelope. Please spread the word among your family and friends, the more people who attend the more money we can raise for this great cause.


PTA AGM.  The draft minutes from the PTA AGM and Meeting One will be published next week on the school website and the PTA Facebook group. We ran out of time to plan our events for this year so will be holding another meeting soon, the date and time will be advertised once they are confirmed. We would love to hear your fundraising ideas and thoughts about what the money could be spent on, we hope you will be able to join us.


Dates for this term