7th September

Welcome Back!

We hope everyone had a lovely summer.  Thank you for all the lovely gifts we received at the end of last term, we are still enjoying the biscuits!

Miss Race has also asked that we thank all the parents for their well wishes and kind gifts at the end of her year with us and she wishes all the children every success for this academic year.

We have a busy half term ahead and a lot of information to pass on, so please do read the newsletter.  This week we will concentrate on general information and clubs, next week we will send home forms for you complete; so we can ensure we have the most up to date information for all the children.


New Faces.  Our new reception children started today; we welcome Jack, Livia, William, Adam, Daisy, Seb and Daniel. The Smith family have also joined school, Maisie in year 6 and Jack in year 2. We are sure they will all be very happy here at Hornby St Margaret’s School.


Friday Bags.  Each Friday, a family bag will be sent home via your eldest child in school.  The bag will contain a variety of information for you to read and, in some cases act upon.  Please empty the bag on Friday ready for returning it back to school on Monday morning.  You can use the bag to safely return any reply slips, completed forms and money, if any has been requested.  Any money that you do send into school should be in a clearly marked envelope with your child’s full name and what the money is for written on it. Please ensure that your child understands the importance of bringing the bag back and handing it in on a Monday, especially if you have placed money inside. Thank you.


Class Newsletters.  Teaching Staff have prepared separate class newsletters giving detailed information regarding the new school year, please spend a few minutes reading these.  The junior letter is included in your bag today and the infant letter is in their book bag.


Year 3 & 4 Hornby Walk.  Mrs Cook will be taking the children in years 3 and 4 into the village on Friday 14th September to identify different types of rocks in connection with their science topics. An information sheet is included in their bag today.


Music Lessons.  The new drum teacher, Phil Gibson, came into school on Wednesday morning and started his lessons; these will continue to be on a Wednesday morning.

Catherine Trotman will be offering piano and recorder lessons in school this year.  A letter from her, explaining what she is able to offer, is included in all the Friday bags today.  Please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter if your child would like to have music tuition with Catherine.


After School Clubs.  Miss Allen will run an Infant Art Club after school on Mondays and Mrs Rosie (Zara Metcalfe’s Mum) will run a Junior Sewing Club on Mondays for children in years 4, 5 and 6.  Please complete the slips at the end of the newsletter if your children would like to take part.  Both clubs will run from 3:30-4:30pm starting on Monday 17th September, please pick the children up promptly at 4:30pm from the main entrance at the front of school. Sewing club will be free, but Miss Allen’s Art club will be £2 per week, with the proceeds going to St Johns Hospice.


Lunchtime Clubs.  Maths club with Mrs Wilkinson will continue on a Tuesday lunchtime for children in years 5 and 6. Mrs Cottam will run a Cookery club on Wednesday lunchtime, using autumn fruits.  This club will run for year 6 children for a few weeks and then it will swap to year 5, look out for details in future newsletters.  Please complete the slips at the end of the newsletter if your children would like to take part. These clubs will also start in the week beginning 17th September.


InspirUS.  Lancaster Royal Grammar School have invited four of our year 4 pupils to take part in their InspirUS programme. This is a 5-week course starting on Wednesday 19th September, a letter from LRGS is included the Friday bag for the pupils involved.  Please complete the form and return it to us.


School Dinners.  Cookie continues to offer all our children lovely lunches, which are still fully funded for all infant children and excellent value at £2.30 (10p increase on last year) for juniors.  We are always happy for children to try the meals and can be flexible about the days they have them, just come and talk to us.


Early Morning Club continues to be available from 8:20am at a cost of £1 per child per morning.  The club is available to all children in the school, you can just turn up and pay on the day or if you have set days you need it you can book in advance.


Reading VolunteersWe are looking for volunteers to come and listen to the infant children read, if you can spare any time on a Monday or Wednesday or know someone who can e.g. grandparents, please let us know, we’d be very grateful.


Praise Assembly will continue to take place on a Friday afternoon starting 3:10pm to celebrate the children’s work.


School Admissions for September 2019

Lancashire County Council’s online application system is now open for applications for 2019.

The website is www.lancashire.gov.uk/schools.  The closing date for applications is:

In this week’s bag, parents of year 6 children will find a flyer about secondary applications.




Dates for September