14th September

This is another detailed newsletter, this time with several forms to fill in for each child.


Forms, Forms.  Included in all Friday Bags today is a form titled Parental/Carer Consent and Medical Information Form for Educational Visits and Adventurous Activities.  This form is for the whole academic year and will cover local and low risk visits made by the children, for example, museum visits, local school visits, local walks and days out.  For anything else, such as residential or farm visits, we will seek further permission from you.  Although you are only completing one form for all the low risk activities we well send home an information sheet each time to keep you informed of the activities.

Also included in the bag is a Pupil Data Collection Sheet for each child.  This form will be used to update the information we currently hold on the school database for your child(ren).  It is important we have the most up-to-date information, so please do let us know if anything changes during the year.


Music Lessons. Catherine Trotman started her Piano and Recorder Lessons on Tuesday.  If anyone else wishes to join, please get in touch with the school office.  Mrs Barker will start her Ukulele Lessons this coming Tuesday 18th September at 8:30am, again if anyone else wants to join in either speak to Mrs Barker on Tuesday or let the office know.  We have a couple of pink ukuleles available for you to buy.


Clubs.  Infant Art Club and Junior Sewing Club start on Monday 17th September and will run from 3:30-4:30pm, please pick the children up promptly at 4:30pm from the main entrance at the front of school.  Maths Club started on Tuesday and will continue to run at lunchtime. Mrs Cottam’s Cookery Club will start on Wednesday 19th September at lunchtime.


Gardening Club.  Sarah Norton and Alison Rees will be running Gardening Club on a Wednesday after school. It will start on Wednesday 19th September and run up to half term, it will finish at 4:15pm. If your child(ren) wish to take part please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter, there will only be 15 places.


InspirUS.  The year 4 pupils attending this programme will be collected from school after lunch on Wednesdays and will arrive back at school in time for normal pick up.


Swimming Lessons
start next Thursday 20th September for all pupils in years 3, 4 & 5.  We will be swimming at Hornby Pool this year and they have asked that pupils wear trunks/costumes – no shorts, long shorts, bikinis. Long hair should be either tied back or they need to wear a swimming hat ( both boys and girls).  Goggles can only be worn if the letter included in the Friday bag today is signed and returned to school.  All jewellery, including earrings, must be removed and the

pupils need to be able to do this themselves.


Year 3 Parent Drop In. Mrs Cook is holding a Year 3 Parent Drop In next Friday 21st September at 9:00 to 9:30am for parents to ask questions regarding children joining the juniors.


The School Photographer will be in school next Friday 21st September to take individual and family group photographs.  Families with younger siblings are welcome to come into school at 1:15pm to have a photo taken with their older brothers and sisters.


Reception Parents Curriculum Meeting. Mrs Hamlett will be holding a meeting for reception parents on Tuesday 2nd October at 4:30pm. Please complete the slip at the end of this newsletter to let us know if you can attend.


Annual Flu Vaccination (nasal spray).  All pupils in year groups reception to year 5 inclusive will find a letter from the School Vaccination Team in their Friday bag.  Please complete the form and return it to school in the bag, the Team will be in school on Tuesday 16th October to carry out the immunisations.


PTA AGM.  The PTA will be holding their AGM this Thursday, 20th September at 2:30pm in school. We would love to see as many people as possible to join us in planning our fundraising for the forthcoming academic year. Refreshments will be provided. If you are unable to attend the meeting but are interested in being involved with the PTA this year, please speak to Michelle in the playground or send a message via the Friday bag or Mrs Sharpe in the school office.


Macmillan Coffee Morning.  We will be holding our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 28th September from 10:00-11:30am in the school hall. Although this event is organised by the PTA, all proceeds are donated to Macmillan Cancer Support and last year we raised over £500. Parents, friends and family are invited to join us for hot/cold refreshments and cakes/biscuits in return for donations to Macmillan, and it is always well supported by the local community. Children of parents/family who attend are allowed to leave their class and join them for a drink and treat.  For the coffee morning to be a success, as well as donations of cakes and raffle prizes, we will need help on the day to run it. Last year we ran a rota system so that as well as helping out parents could sit down and spend some time with their children. We will also need help setting up beforehand and tidying up at the end. There will be rota in the front entrance by Mrs Sharpe’s office from Monday, please sign up if you are able to help, it would be much appreciated.





Dates for this term