25th May
Let’s hope this lovely weather continues for the half term holiday!
Year 5 Global Day
All the year 5 pupils have been invited to a Global Day at Over Kellet School on Wednesday 6th June. They will travel by coach with Leck pupils and need a packed lunch on the day. A detailed information sheet is included in the Friday bag today.
Kwik Cricket
A group of 8 upper junior pupils are taking part in a Kwik Cricket Competition at Westgate Cricket Club in Lancaster on Thursday 7th June. We are hoping for a repeat of the success they had at Over Kellet School last week, as they won! The event starts after lunch, they will eat their packed lunch before they leave school. What time they get back to school depends on how well they do in the competition. We are suggesting they may be back by about 5pm, but we will text you when they leave Lancaster. An extra snack would be a good idea for them to have either between games or at the end. The pupils taking part will find an information sheet in their Friday bag today.
Arnside Residential Parents’ Information Evening
Mr Stafford-Roberts is holding an information session for all parents of pupils going on the Arnside Residential Trip in July. The meeting is being held in the school hall on Tuesday 12th June at 6pm, please try to attend.
Whole School Photograph
We have received a copy of the whole school photograph taken last week. A small proof and order form is included in all bags today, a larger copy of the photograph is displayed in the window near the junior entrance. It’s a lovely picture, please do take a look! If you would like to order a copy complete and return the order form to school by Monday 11th June at the latest or follow the instructions to order online. Thank you.
After School Clubs
All the after school clubs have now finished. We have a very busy half term coming up, with sports events and trips leading up to the summer holidays. After school clubs will start again in September.
Bills, Bills
Thank you to everyone who paid their dinner bills online or sent payment into school. We would appreciate if outstanding amounts could be kept to just a couple of weeks. Please could any remaining recorder money be sent into school on the Monday after half-term, so that we can organise to pass payment to Suzi Smithson. Thank you.
As I am sure you’ll all be aware, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) comes into force from today, Friday 25th May, replacing the Data Protection Act.
This does not mean we’re changing the way we collect or use your information, but to help make it easier for you to find out what we do, we’ve created a new ‘Privacy Policy’ which includes details about:
– your rights relating to the information we hold about you
– how we keep your personal data safe
– the types of information we collect and use
– the legal basis we rely on to use your information
This Privacy Notice is available to view on our website.
Mrs Fisher and Mrs Rosie have identified the following books/series as ‘gaps’ in the library stock. If anybody has any of these that they no longer need and feel able to donate to school we would really appreciate it.
- Any books by David Walliams
- Beast Quest Books
- Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials Trilogy
- Cressida Cowell – How to Train your Dragon Books
- Alex T Smith – Claude Series
We and more importantly, the children, do appreciate any donations you are able to make. Thank you.
PTA SUMMER FAIR 16th June 11am-1pm
The sign-up sheet is in the school entrance hall by Mrs Sharpe’s office, we would be very grateful if anyone who can help our on the day would sign their name next to the stall they would like to help with.
Dates for next half-term
- Monday 4th June – School re-opens after Half Term
- Wednesday 6th June – Year 5 Global Day at Over Kellet
- Thursday 7th June – Kwik Cricket at Westgate
- Tuesday 12th June – Parents Meeting re Arnside Trip 6pm in School Hall
- Saturday 16th June – PTA Summer Fair 11am to 1pm
- Monday 18th June – Infants Forest School
- Tuesday 19th June – Whole School Trip to Blackburn then Preston
- Friday 22nd June – Rounder’s Tournament
- Tuesday 26th June – Year 6 QES Induction Morning
- Wednesday 27th June – Year 6 Girls Grammar School Induction Day
- Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th July – Junior Arnside Residential
- Tuesday 3rd July – Infant visit to Leighton Moss to meet Junior Children
- Friday 6th July – PTA Bingo Evening
- Tuesday 10th July – Sports Day
- Thursday 12th July – Infant Tower Wood Day
- Friday 13th July – Junior Tower Wood Day
- Monday 16th July – Swimming Gala at Ingleton Outdoor Pool
- Thursday 19th July – Leavers’ Service
- Thursday 19th July – School Closes for Summer Holidays at 3:30pm!
School re-opens for pupils on Tuesday 4th September.