27th April

Parents Help Morning

Parents’ Help Morning is tomorrow Saturday 28th April.  Do come along, helpful children are also welcome.  We aim to start at 9:30am and to be away by 12noon.  If anyone is able to bring along a power washer and/or garden brooms, as well as sanders and scrapers that would be really helpful.


Infant Trip to Lakeland Wildlife Oasis

The infant class are going to Lakeland Wildlife Oasis in Milnthorpe on Monday 30th April, a detailed information sheet is included in their Friday bag.  They will all need to bring a packed lunch on the day and need to wear sturdy shoes and have a waterproof coat.  They can wear jogging bottoms or similar if they wish, but need to wear their school jumpers, so they are easy to spot!


Junior Wray Scarecrow Walk

The junior children will be walking to Wray on Tuesday 1st May to view all the scarecrows.  An information sheet giving further details is included in the bag today.  Parents are welcome to join us on the walk, please could you pop a note in the bag on Monday to let us know that you intend to come.


Library Books

Mrs Fisher and Mrs Rosie, the parents who very kindly run the school library, would like to know if any pupils or parents/carers have any particular books that they would like us to have available.  A reply slip is attached to the end of the newsletter for your suggestions.


Dates for this half-term



Infant Trip to Lakeland Wildlife Oasis – Monday 30th April


I give permission for my child(ren) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. to attend the above trip. I enclose my contribution of £10.00 per pupil, cheques made payable to Lancashire County Council please.

Signed ………………………………………………………. Parent/Carer



Library Books

We would like the school library to have the following books.

Title and Author please.



