23rd March
The junior children have had a very busy week! Upper juniors all went caving and most juniors also took part in the Music Festival on Wednesday, we hope everyone enjoyed the concert.
All pupils have enjoyed a visit to the Life Education Bus today.
PTA Jumble Sale in school hall tomorrow at 10am.
Year 5 & 6 children will need to remember to bring their bikes to school on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th March for the Bikeability training. Please refer to the M check sent home earlier to ensure the bike is safe to ride and bring a helmet if you have one. Pupils can come to school in jogging pants with their school jumpers and we will find room to store the bikes over night for pupils who don’t want to take them home.
Drum Lessons
Christophe L’hereux will be in school doing drum lessons on both Monday and Wednesday morning next week, so please help children to remember their music and sticks both days
Gardening Club – will be for infant pupils on Tuesday 27th March. Please bring your wellies if you want to join in.
Easter Church Service
In the Wednesday morning school assemblies this half-term, the Vicar has been teaching the children about Holy Communion. Children in the Juniors, who have been baptised (christened), are being invited to receive Holy Communion, if they wish, when the school goes over to church for this term’s Wednesday morning church service, which is in Holy Week, on Wednesday 28th March. If you are happy for your child to receive Holy Communion, please return the slip at the end of the newsletter. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Vicar directly as vicar@these4parishes.co.uk or on 21712. As always parents, grandparents and friends are very welcome to join us at this service, which starts at 10am.
Walk to School
We will hold our 2nd walk to school on Thursday 29th March. As last time, staff will meet children in the park opposite the Institute at 8:20am and everyone will walk up to school together. We will need a couple of parents to walk with us please. We will provide the children who walk with a breakfast style treat, but please do ensure they have breakfast at home beforehand too.
Junior PE Kits
Please can you ensure that all junior children have their PE kit including a pair of trainers in school every day next term.
After School Clubs
The only clubs running next week are on Monday, so Art and Lego club will run. Junior Golf Club has now finished. After Easter Miss Allen’s Art Club will be for infants and Miss Race will run a Construction/Games Club for juniors, both will be on a Monday.
Cricket Club will start on Tuesday 17th April for juniors there are just 15 places, so slips need to be back on Monday.
There will be a half hour Pilates Taster Session for juniors on Wednesday 18th April, with plans to start a club the following week.
Slips for all these clubs are at the end of the newsletter.
Mrs Rosie will continue with Knitting Club for the upper juniors only starting on Thursday 26th April.
Outstanding Dinner Money and Residential Payments
We will send home details of outstanding dinner money and residential payments at the beginning of next term, as we cannot bank payments now until April due to year end.
- Saturday 24th March – PTA Jumble Sale at 10am
- Monday 26th March – Year 5&6 Bikeability
- Tuesday 27th March – Year 5 & 6 Bikeability
- Wednesday 28th March – Easter Church Service 10am
- Thursday 29th March – Walk to School
- Thursday 29th March – Easter Activity Day
- Thursday 29th March – School closes at 3:30pm for Easter Holidays
- Monday 16th April – School re-opens for Summer Term
- Monday 23rd April – Infant Forest School
- Saturday 28th April – Parent Help Morning
- Monday 30th April – Infant Trip to The Lakeland Wildlife Oasis at Milnthorpe
- Monday 7th May – Bank Holiday, No School
Easter Service Holy Communion
I am happy for [child’s name] ___________ to receive Holy Communion.
Place and approximate date of baptism ___________
OR I would like to arrange a baptism [tick]
Holy Communion is received as a piece of wheat-based wafer-bread and a sip of wine.
Please advise your child directly if you would prefer for the wafer to be dipped in the wine, rather than a sip of wine being taken, or if you prefer for Holy Communion to be taken as bread only, without wine.
Infant Art Club
My child(ren) ………………………………………………………………. Would like to take part in the Art Club starting on Monday 16th April.
Junior Construction/Games Club
My children …………………………………………………………………….. would like to take part in Construction/Games Club starting on Monday 16th April.
Junior Cricket Club
My child(ren)……………………………………………………………………… would like to take part in the Cricket Club starting on Tuesday 17th April.
Pilates Taster Session
My child(ren) …………………………………………………………………………… would like to take part in the Pilates Taster Session on Wednesday 18th April.